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Nymphadora Tonks/Tonks

The stepmom

"Chin up or else the crown will slip"

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"Chin up or else the crown will slip"

Lily Potter/Lily flower

The overprotective aunt

"If you can't convince them, confuse them"

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"If you can't convince them, confuse them"

Remus Lupin/Moony

The actual Dad

"She kinda scares me"

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"She kinda scares me"

Sirius Black/Padfoot

The chaotic uncle

  "I do a thing called what I want"

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  "I do a thing called what I want"

James Potter/Prongs

The 'I look innocent but I do very bad things' uncle

The 'I look innocent but I do very bad things' uncle

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"What do you mean I am not your favorite!?"

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