𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥

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I was tossing and turning all night due too my anxiety over this game.Yes I'm a good player and our Defense is impeccable but I was just really nervous about todays game.In the end I woke up at 5am.I looked over at Mary Earps who looked was lightly snoring looking soo peaceful.We had been roomies since day one at camp.I loved Mary so much but I was a bit gutted that I wasn't with either Ella or alessia but I guess we can't always be together plus we would drive eachother nuts like usual.I hadn't realised but I had been sat on the side of my bed starring into thin air for atleast twenty minutes.I got up and had a shower and got dressed into a black Nike tracksuit and some Jordan's .Our game started at 1pm and it was just coming up too 6.It wasn't needed too wear makeup today.
We had breakfast and did the normal warm ups at camp but we still had too travel.We got onto the coach at 11am.me,Ella,alessia and Millie turner all sat at the back like naughty little kids giggling and singing songs loudly.Ella and Me were screaming the song strawberry kisses into a microphone the staff gave them whilst alessia and millie were taking the piss out of us laughing there heads off.The media man came over and took some photos off me for my Instagram.I was and Instagram girly and I was the most followed women's footballer on Instagram.surprising I know. Anyways I headed over too insta too post the photos

@sophiaowenMan united vs arsenal final today come on united❤️❤️!enjoy Millie laughing her head off in the background😂@millieturner_

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Man united vs arsenal final today come on united❤️❤️!enjoy Millie laughing her head off in the background😂@millieturner_

@ellatoone my forever singing partner❤️✊🏼x
@alessiarusso99 your singing Sophia🤣x
@millieturner_ how dare u Sophia
@1maryearps i regret sitting infront of this lot
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Finally we arrived at emirates stadium after a hilarious yet painful coach journey.We went too our changing room and started playing some classic abba when we started getting told the starting line up.Ella toone, Mary earps,alessia russo,Millie turner,Sophia Owen. After I heard my name get called out I completely zoned out.I was so nervous but excited at the same time.five minutes before KO we had to go lineup.I was at the front when I look too my side at the arsenal team Leah Williamson was death staring me.We had hatred for eachother even though we played for the same international team we still hated eachother.it was going to be a long game that's for sure.We took out photos and shook hands and we took our knee.This was it we were starting now there's no going back.

*katie McCabe passes too Leah Williamson she kicks it and SHE SCORESSSSSSSS!man United are 0-1 down*

much didn't happen the rest of the first half Katie got a yellow card as per usual.the half time whistle was blown and we walked back too the changing rooms.Katie Zelem was talking about tactics for the whole 15 minutes but we did really need too screw our heads down. I'm walking through the tunnel for the next half when I accidentally bump into Leah
"Omg I'm so sor-"I said in shock
"Watch we're ur going"Leah said aggressively
After our awkward interaction it was time too go back on.
57th minute
*ella toone passes too Katie zelem who passes too Sophia Owen AND SHE SCORESS*ian wright screams into his mic
I do my signature celebration as the stadium roars from boos too congratulations.Arsenal was frustrated because we now equalised with them.
72nd minute
*leah Williamson and Katie McCabe team up and tackle Sophia Owen and OH SHE IS DOWN IN THE BOX*ian weight shouts yet again
My ankle was in agony but I got up.I was determined.Leah whispers in my ear as she comes up close,"watch out princess"
When I say literal shivers went down my spine,I generally mean it.I always questioned my  sexuality but never really put my finger on it.After the ref looked at VAR for what felt like a million years she decided it was a pen.I was taking it.Deep breath Sophia,deep breaths.Manu was jumping in her keepers spot when the ref blew her whistle.I aimed for the bottom left corner.manu jumps too the right.It felt as if everything went in slow motion.yet again because of me the stadium went mad.the next 18 minutes + extra 2 minutes went so slow but arsenal was not copying well many substitutes later it was over.WE WON THE WSL.I dropped too my knees in shock.arsenal got the second medals.Katie went too get the trophy lifting it up and she poured the champagne into yours and tooneys mouth.

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