Глава 1: Мир неудовлетворенности

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Preface The chapter sheds light on the inner world of Daniel - a teenager who dislikes everything

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The chapter sheds light on the inner world of Daniel - a teenager who dislikes everything. Ahead of him lies a long journey towards self-discovery, full of revelations, trials, and growth. He begins to realize that only by finding harmony within himself and his surroundings can he find his true happiness and peace.

In a small town, where tranquility and harmony prevail, lives the protagonist of our story - Daniel. He is a teenager of difficult character, who dislikes everything. He is dissatisfied with everything and everyone, from the clear sky to the soft rustling of trees. Since early childhood, he has felt inner struggle and unrest. As if there is constantly smoldering incomprehension and disappointment in his heart. Nothing brings him true satisfaction and joy. He doesn't understand why other people can enjoy life, while he sees nothing appealing in it.

The world surrounding Daniel seems banal and shallow to him. He feels alienated from others, unable to find his place in this mundane existence. He rejects everything that is offered to him - school, lessons, friendship, family. It seems that Daniel is not interested in anything, he is against everything and everyone.

But what lies at the core of this dissatisfaction? Deep down, he searches for meaning, something greater than just the everyday routine. He yearns for adventure, new ideas, freedom, and self-expression. He wants to feel excitement, to live life to the fullest, and to find his true purpose.

However, this internal struggle and dissatisfaction turn his life into a gray routine. He loses all motivation and passion for life. He feels trapped in his thoughts and emotions, unable to break free from his limitations. And so, another ordinary gray day has begun, not heralding anything good. Daniel woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, and as usual, he had no desire to get out of bed. From the sounds coming from the kitchen, he knew that breakfast was ready, and he would be called to the table soon. There was no desire to eat breakfast, just as there was no desire to get out of bed.

- Son, wake up, breakfast is ready - he heard his mother's voice. He always wondered where she got so much energy to cook breakfast in the morning. He sighed and got out of bed, knowing that he would have another conversation with his mother about his state. And he was not mistaken.

"Daniel, I feel like you're unhappy. I've seen you sitting in your room all your free time, looking upset. What's wrong with you?" He sat at the table, looked at the food that didn't whet his appetite, and replied:

- You won't understand, Mom. I just can't find any meaning in all of this. Nothing brings me joy, and I feel like I'm inadequate. - But, Daniel, life is so beautiful! There are so many things to love and rejoice in. Why can't you find something that brings you satisfaction? - I don't know, Mom. I just don't see the point in all of this. Everything I do feels so empty and meaningless. I don't understand how other people can enjoy life.

- But, son, you're young and you have your whole life ahead of you. Maybe all of this is just temporary, and as you grow older, you'll find your place and your passion. You just need to be patient and open to new possibilities. Her words sounded like they were from another planet, Daniel couldn't understand them, and it annoyed him that she couldn't hear him: - Mom, you don't understand. I've tried everything, but nothing brings me joy. I just don't know what path to choose and what to do.

- Daniel, I can understand that this is not an easy time for you. But maybe it's worth seeking help? You can talk to a psychologist who can help you understand your feelings and find a path to happiness and satisfaction. - But I don't want to talk to a stranger about my problems. I just want someone to understand me. But even you don't understand me! He stood up from the table. -I have to go to school now.

The day went on as usual for Daniel.

He didn't expect anything different; he had become accustomed to it.

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