Chapter Seven: Emotions Renewed

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The next day simply drug on for a lifetime. The stonemasons finally finished with their repairs and followed the carpenters out, leaving the suit in a tangle of emotions. Walking by the others, especially the newer or younger members, I felt their eyes lingering. Nevada was so quiet, but the flames that burnt in her eyes told me she probably had something to do with my conversation with Emilia. Amara did not seem bothered by my presence. Her rough behavior was normal as she brushed by me in the hall with only half a glance and a smirk on her lips. Landon and Diego still hadn't been able to meet my eyes after the incident.

The quiet lingered on as I made my way down the hall, trying desperately to just make it to the library. The sound of heels and boots clicking on the new marble echoed along the halls. The door to the library opened easily as I made my way inside. This was where I had seen Marshall before going to Pandora. Thankfully no one was inside. Finding the darkest corner I could, I sat on the floor, curling in on myself slightly and just breathed. There was something about the scent of old books that brought some kind of relaxation. The different bright covers on the deep walnut wood stood out and when I allowed my eyes to unfocus it was like a kaleidoscope. The colors blended and distorted as my body relaxed, when my head tilted slightly the room would spin with the light from the tall windows. On the bottom shelf in my quiet corner were mostly picture books, similar to eye spy books. I did not have to think about these. There was no plot for me to unravel or race through, begging for answers and trying to become a step ahead of the author. I did that enough in my daily life. I could simply look at them and turn my brain off. As my shoulders relaxed back against the dark turquoise wall the door opened. My eyes closed as I clung to the relaxation I had finally achieved.

"Zane...?" Diego's soft voice reached my ears. Soft breath left my lips as I laid my head back.

"Yeah? Watcha need, Diego?"

"Umm I was just letting you know that a lot of us are being sent out for recon tonight. Emilia is sending me with Jamison and Landon so I'll be safe. She said that you weren't needed but to tell you where we all were going."

"What about the others?"

"Martin is taking Harley and Nevada. Carson, Amara and Marshall. Then Emilia is taking Robert and Harold."

"So I'm odd man out?"

"No. Um... she said you knew what she wanted you to do here. So whatever that means." Fucking Emilia. Why does she want me fucking around with Kiera? And why is she taking the whole group on recon? That's offly aggressive but maybe that's just me.

"Oh okay I didn't realize that was what she was referring to. Okay behave and listen to Jamison Diego. Watch out for Landon."

"I will. You should be careful by yourself, okay?" I could see the concern on his face. Poor boy wore his emotions on his sleeve, another reason he could never be an Ace. I nodded and just kinda waved him off.

When the door clicked shut again my mind raced yet again. How was I going to do this? Why was I going to do this? Was I going to do this? I groaned as I rolled onto my feet. If Emilia really believed that the Hearts were meeting with the Diamonds it would be the best opportunity to get back into their mansion without issue. But were they really stupid enough to leave their daughter unprotected? Probably not. I needed something to take with me for protection so I would have to almost treat this like a hunt. I had to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

As I was strapping up for my departure the others began to get ready. Heavy footsteps and quick movements echoed from the halls. My Rossi .357 slipped snuggly into its holster on my thigh. The weight of the silver gun somehow calmed the nerves that had been gathering. Slipping my ammo into their speed loader cylinders was as simple as always. The cool brass nestled into their individual chambers giving me two more sets of ammo to take with me. As I was attaching the black leather speedloader pouch to my belt I heard voices rise in the hall.

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