What if - abandoned sully

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Neytiri and Jake looked at their baby girl she was so small and beautiful to them Neytiri didn't care if her daughter had been born with five finger and eyebrows it made her even more wonderful to neytiri. Neytiri watched as Jake held their daughter in his arms and as her baby girl and grabbed his dad free finger with her small hands making Jake smile at his baby girl.

Jake " she so beautiful"

Neytiri " yes she is and she inherited your traits my husband"

Jake " she perfect" Jake smiled at his baby girl they were in aww as their daughter had been born a coupe days before the gathering of all the clans.

Neytiri " what should be name her"

Jake " y/n will be her name it will be perfect for her"

Neytiri " then that will be her name" neytiri and Jake looked at their baby girl who had brought joy to their family by become the new member and bring smiles to her clan and family.

The gathering of the clans

Mo'at " she will be a perfect helaer and spiritual guide" moat and neytiri were gather in a circle with some tshaik looking at you, the news of your brith had spend fast and days before a gather was something rare.

Ronal " she is rare looking child"

Neytiri " are you insulting my daughter ronal"

Ronal " no but it seems like there is something special about her that I have not seen in any other child"

Moat " yes you are right there is something special about her"

Neytiri " mother"

Moat " relax my daughter we will find more out later"

Tshaik " your mate most be proud of the brith of a wonderful and beautiful daughter"

Neytiri " yes tokru makto is amazed by the birth of a daughter he loves her deeply and they seem to have good bond as father and daughter"

Moat " tonight we will see the child make her connections with eywa"

Tshaik " it very rare for a child it make a connection with eywa during the gathers"

Moat " yes it" the group had watched as you laid on a mat sleeping you seem to be at peace at the moment, mo'at could feel there was something special about her granddaughter. She was trying to see what made her grandmother so special, as the little girl laid there dreaming. Later that night the ceremony of the connection of eywa had taken place.

Moat " may the great mother welcome you my child" Mo'at had connected you to the spirt tree and soon enough as she was saying her pray, Jake wad holding you while Neytiri was holding neteyem she was standing near norm and tsutey as they held their adopted son spider. Everyone was watching and soon enough you had gave Jake a gummy smile as the trees started lighting up brightly so bright that some people had to cover their eyes.

Moat " I have never seen this in my life" everyone seemed to be amazed by everything they had seen that day soon you had become a topic of many conversation, the day after more clans had arrived with their families everyone soon heard about you.

Ronal " I have never heard about one signal child lightning up a spirt tree like that in my life"

Moat " it very rare and hasn't happen in a very long time"

????"neytiri" neytiri soon turned back and saw her childhood friend Reu standing there the two women soon walked towards each other, with smiles on their faces.

Neytiri " Reu welcome it good to see you"

Reu " yes it has I have heard you had a daughter"

Neytiri " yes I will love you to meet y/n and who is this handsome little one"

Reu " my son Yaimi he was born last month i brought her my mother and father thought it will be good for me to come"

Tupia " hello neytiri I have been told you daughter had her connection with eywa and it was amazing"

Neytiri " hello tshaik tupai yes the tells are true of my daughter it seems like she gifted child"

Tupia " hello young lady we have come here for the gather and to see you new daughter congratulations"

Neytiri " thank you" the women were talking as the babies were laying down for a nap and the toddler seem to be playing elsewhere as well. Baby you and Yaimi were sleeping close to each other it seem like the two of had become friends already. The rest of the day was filled with celebration and fun as clan gather and meet learning new things and understanding these humans.

Later that night

Jake " ......"

Neytiri " ma jake what the matter"

Jake " I'm just worried about our daughter she unlike any other navi baby or child I have seen, what will this mean for her"

Neytiri " I don't know but we will find out together we will be here for our daughter and I won't allow anyone to speak poorly about her" Jake had heard some of the clan members speaking poorly about his daughter who was still a baby and this made him angry , but it made neytiri even more anger she wouldn't allow anyone to speak poorly about her Jake and her kids.

Jake " we don't need you fighting anyone yet sweetheart"

Neytiri " fine but one wrong move and then anyone who hurts you or our kids will face my rage" Jake just nodded his head as he held you on his arm, what either of him and neytiri were they will be blessed with more kids that will be seen as odd then other kids around them. Jake and neytiri knew they will do anything to keep their family safe and support them no matter what happens.

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