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Looks with outfit on

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Looks with outfit on

Likes:his team, zane's cooking and sensei wu

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Likes:his team, zane's cooking and sensei wu

Dislikes:lord Garmadon, the serpentine, and the people that tried to sell him off

Peak Physical Strength
Y/n's strength is at maximum human capacity/potential. They have a highly developed and gifted musculoskeletal system

This level of strength allows them to move objects and perform tasks that would normally require the help of multiple people or machinery, essentially making them unmatched by ordinary humans, far exceeding even the worlds strongest non-augmented people.

They are capable of bending extremely dense and heavy metal bars, breaking metal chains, breaking through brick walls and/or very dense cement, tossing even heavy humans easily with one arm, overturning medium to large sized cars or even lift them, and so on. They are strong enough to punch an individual through a brick walls, dent thin metal doors, bend, if not break, thin steel chains, bars, and handcuffs with their bare hands. Their strength is comparable to the combined strength of 5-10 strongmen, allowing them to fight and stand up to large animals like bears, gorillas, rhinos, lions, tigers, hippos, elephants, wolves, boars, sharks

Peak Physical Speed
Y/n's speed is at the highest limit of human potential. They are much faster than Olympic class runners, enabling them to run at 45 km/h (28 MPH) - 65 km/h (40 MPH) and swim at 15-20 knots.

This speed allows Y/n to be significantly faster than other humans. They are able to chase/outrun wolves, racehorses, and vehicles. They are fast enough to run on walls for exceptionally long periods of time, sprint across small bodies of water, and even move fast enough to appear to teleport short distances or disappear from the eyes of an observer.

They can take down small groups of people in seconds before they can react. They can dodge bullets fired at point-blank ranges and outrun horizontally-moving lines of gunfire coming from rapid-fire weapons, such as machine guns

High Physical Human Durability
Y/n has the ability to have denser/tougher bodily tissues than the average person. Their durability is at the peak of human conditioning, which entails that users are capable of withstanding situations/being mostly unharmed by things the average person cannot like getting beaten by a thick metal bat and it would dent and bend, fall from tall stories of buildings from 200 feet without breaking any bones. They are also durable enough to survive brutal animal attacks, get hit by a train at full speed, and have an entire building collapse on top of them.

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