Chapter 1

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It was 9:00 PM, March 1, 1969 in New York there was a family of six called 'The Andersons'. they were friendly, funny , intelligent and goofy people, they were famous for their own things like how the father is famous for his grilling, the mother is famous for her cooking and desserts, the two sisters is famous for being active and the two brothers is famous for their gaming. everyone in the Anderson family was talented, they have been though some arguments and struggles but find a way to make it right. The family was getting ready for bed, the mother and father just got finished brushing their teeth and putting on their Pj's and was ready for bed, the two sisters was reading their favorite book about basketball but they figured it was time to go to sleep, and last but not least the two brothers were already asleep after a long day. after every one went to sleep, there was nothing but silence except for the noise of the crickets and the owls. everyone was at peace in their sleep until something was about to go down. A blue Lamborghini pulled up in front of the blue house. Three people came out the car with mask on their face and with gasoline and matches in their hand. One man decided to hack into the Anderson's alarm system for the alarm won't go off, the second man was in charge with destroying the security camera's and cutting the wires to them, and the last man was in charge of picking the locks to the house and makes sure the whole house is covered with gasoline. One of them each had begun to light their matches. at the count of three they stood by the front door and threw the matches. The house lit up like the fireworks in the fourth of July. all three of them made it out in time and drove off but hoped that no one had seen them commit the act. Ten seconds later the fire was starting to spread, the parents woke up first when they smelt smoke. When they opened their door they saw the fire spreading from their kitchen to the dining room to the living room and to the hallways. The parents did the best they could to try and get to their children but what happened was that the mother was caught on fire and tried to put herself out but it was too late, the fire already burned her to a crisp. The father was upset but he was trying to find a way to get to the children, but as soon as he was about to go and get them, the fire caught him too and then seconds later he was burn like toast. The father screamed in pain and that what woke the children up, all four of them was trying to get out of their room but sadly the fire caught their clothes and they were burning fast, after 20 seconds the children was burn like bacon. The whole family was dead and house was still on fire. The whole neighborhood woke up from their slumber and went outside. When half of the neighborhood came outside one of the neighbors called 911. After the paramedics, firetruck, and police came everyone was told to go back inside. The fireman put out the fire and the bodies of the Anderson family was brought out the house in body bags and was loaded into the ambulance. The policeman question half of the neighborhood if they saw any suspicious activity and what could have cause the fire. Everyone didn't know what happened because they were all asleep. So from there everyone continued to live on and celebrate the life of the wonderful family that lived in their neighborhood for 15 years, and the culprit was never found. 


It was March 1, 2005 in New York, makes 35 years after the Anderson's passed away. A family of six moved into that exact same house that was burned in the fire. The new family was called the Larrain family and they enjoyed the same exact stuff what the Andersons enjoyed. Cooking, grilling, playing sports, and playing games.  The Father's name was Ronoldo, the mother's name was Lucy, the two daughter's name was Lana and Tana, and the son's name was Joy and Thomas. They all love to laugh, have fun, be goofy, and be funny. As soon they arrived at the residence they saw how nice was built and the color of it. Ronoldo parked the moving van into the driveway they all started to get out to look around.

"Wow look how big the house is" Said Lana

"I wonder if it has a pool in the yard" Thomas wondered

"I call my own room with a tv in it!" Said Joy

"Hey no fair I wanted the room with the tv in it!" 

"Now boys stop the fighting. We already decided who gets the room but first help us unpack" Lucy said

"Boys" Both Lana and Tana said as they rolled their eyes.

Ronoldo had unlocked the door for they can go ahead and unpack their things. Lucy started to carry the smaller and medium boxes in that had the pots and pans and other kitchen supplies inside the kitchen. Lucy loved how good the kitchen is looking and how big the kitchen is, she finally had a whole lot more room to move around in instead of staying still and bumping into things. Ronoldo started to carry the big boxes that had the living room and the dining room supplies in it. When Ronoldo saw how beautiful the living room and the dining room is his eyes lit up along side with a bright smile. Lana and Tana decided to help carry the things that  need to be hung up on the wall and stuff that needs to be set on the porch. Joy and Thomas decided to help carry the clothes and shoes in and sat the in the living room until everything was situated. after four hours of unpacking, Lucy and Ronoldo decided to show where everyone will be sleeping. First off was Lana and Tana's room. Their room was pink and sky blue with two king size beds and a tv and also a mini basketball hoop on each side of the wall. The girls eyed had lit up  and smiled happily. Next off was Joy and Thomas's room. Their room was ocean blue with a side of silver, with two king sized beds and one large gaming table with two gaming chairs. The boys was very happy because now they have something to play games on. And last but not least, Lucy and Ronoldo's room. Their room was all yellowish gold with one queen sized beds along with two night stands that has two lamps with on each night stand along with a dresser that has a tv on top. The parents smile with happy and joy.

"So everyone, what do you think of our new home?" Ronoldo asked with a big smile.

"Its way bigger than our last house" Thomas said with happiness.

"We agree" Lana and Tana said at the same time with smiles on their faces.

"Now how about we take a look at the backyard?" Lucy suggested.

Everyone agreed to take a look at the backyard. When they went through the back door, it revealed a beautiful big backyard with a fountain. The yard was big enough for the children to play in along with their friends and big enough to have a cookout. The family was happy and smiling with joy. Everyone decided to go back inside to relax after four hours of packing.

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