Talking about Family

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A lot has happened in the past 2 and a half years, I've learned that I'm a witch right after my mother died in front of me, in my arms. My father had walked out on me soon after than my grandmother died in front of me as well and saw the "Angel of Death" take her right in front of me and I couldn't even do anything about it. On top of all that, I found out that I am ken to these most powerful witches in history next to me, and I've never heard or seen them in my life.

Leo, my grams white lighter, says they are the most powerful sister witches of all time. But the way my mother and grams say I'm more powerful than any witch come to man, that has powers. Even with this necklace that my mother gave me, it helps me with my powers, also protects me from harm and keeps me close to my mother. I've never thought I would be what I am, but it's in my blood, its who I am what my family is. Generation after generation after generation and so forth.

But as I grow stronger each day, learn what I can by myself and occasionally Leo shows up and checks up on me. He says I'm his new charge now since grams passed away. I told him I wanted to meet the sister witches, my cousins. But he won't let me see them or take me to them, just yet. He says I'm not ready to meet them.

One day I was going through the book of shadows and while looking through all the spells, I ran across a page, "To Call a Lost Witch". I needed these ingredients to be able to cast the spell. A pinch of rosemary, a sprig of cypress, and a yarrow root. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed those 3 things in the cabinet, where all the witch ingredients were held at. Once I had grabbed what I need I went back up to the attic grabbed the mortar and pestle.

I put the mortar and pestle by the book put a pinch of rosemary, a sprig of cypress, and a yarrow root. And said the spell at the same time.

"Power of the witches rise

Course unseen across the skies

Come to us who call you near

Come to us and settle here."

I poked my finger with a needle and let it drop into the mortar than said this chant.

"Blood to blood, I summon thee

Blood to blood, return to me."

A puff of smoke hit after the chant and the drop of blood. I waited for a little bit to see if anything had happened. But nothing happened I grinded my teeth together getting a little mad about everything. I close the book shut and looked at the symbol of the "Triquetra" for a moment, tracing it with my finger then out of nowhere, I started seeing 4 sisters standing in a room. Not just any type of room, an attic just like mine. They were standing in front of me, in my house, my attic. Then I was back looking what was in front of me, the book of shadows. I shook my head and backed away from the book.

"What was that." I said out loud.

I grabbed the mortar and pestle and went downstairs to the kitchen to clean it up. While I was cleaning up, I had another flashback, a vision of some sorts. Like a premonition. It was me in some ally killing demons all of kind when one of them had grabbed my necklace and I had blown him up at the same time and when I had done that his knife-like hand went into my stomach. Then out of nowhere the sisters were showing up again. Then the vision was over.

"No!" I said out loud. 'So, I'm willing to die to meet the sisters. That is just crazy.' I thought in my head.

After having that vison, I had gone to work on some potion making. I had made some blowing potion (about 6 of those) just in case my blowing up power didn't want to work right, made some tell the truth potion (about 4 of those), made some light harming potion (about 20 of those), and made some strong Vanquishing potion (about 10 of those). It had token me about 5 hours to make everything. About 5 trips to china town to get all the Ingredients that I need for all the potions.

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