chapter one

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The clouds below me touch my face, feeling like a warm blanket after a cold day.I can feel the gentle breeze kiss my face as I hear laughter coming from behind, little kids laughter. I lifted my head up and took in the beautiful land surrounding me.It was peaceful.

Up until I heard my mother barge into the door and collapse on the front carpet. her drunken whines were loud, and hard to cancel out. "Nic, or whatever your name is..... come pick mommy up, sweetie." I sighed, if only she spoke to me like that without being drunk. I pulled myself off the couch and sat snugs on the carpet. I walked to my mother, and found her laying on the ground. With the front door wide open. I closed the door and locked all the locks, and managed to pull her up onto my back. "Damn, she must've gained weight.." I chuckled. "wh-what was that nicole?" her words were heavily slurred. I plopped her onto the couch and turned her on her side. I put on the news, and went up into my room with snugs.

I did my best to silently walk up the stairs. Once I reached the top I opened my door as slowly as I could, but still an ear-piercing crack split the silence. I walked into my bedroom, the steps echoing throughout. I sat on my mattress, and glanced around at the clothes scattered around, all the books and papers covering my desk. Some of the papers were neatly organized, others falling off the sides. My room was always messy, but it was out of control now. I couldn't even walk without tripping. I've been meaning to clean it up, but I lack the motivation. I should have started it, but I decided to curl up with snugs on my bed and doodle. I rummaged through a pile and finally found my sketch book from years ago. I hopped up to get a pen off my desk, then walked over and plopped on my mattress again. I held the pen, and started doodling Snugs, he made a silly face and I giggled. Snugs is the only thing keeping me here, really. I wouldn't have made it without him.

I sighed and continued doodling snugs, feeling the calmness wash over me. I took a glance at my clock, it was 1:37am. I probably should be asleep, but I couldn't bring myself to care...I can clean in the morning, anyways. For now, it was just me and snugs escaping reality..

hours passed, and it was now 3:13am,I looked at Snugs and wondered if I should sleep.

"I feel tired so maybe I should?"

I lay down on my mattress,preparing for sleep, as Snugs remained by my side as a silent comfort.

"Goodnight, snugs."

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