Chapter 12

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When I had fallen asleep, I found myself in a strange dream. I was walking around a crystal cave in one of Laminax's laboratories somewhere, expect I was back in my human form. No tail, no fur, I was in my human form once more. I was wearing my suit and tie; the same one I was wearing before I was infected. The cave looked vastly different. There were more crystals in the cave than usual, and larger. They varied in colours, from blue, to red, to white. Strange, dark blue particles floated in the air. The laboratory that was built around it was severely different as well. It looked like it was ruined after years of neglect. Smashed windows and lights, crystals growing across the floor and ceiling, and shelves collapsed on the floor. There were puddles everywhere. It was very empty and eerily silent. I walked further down the halls. As I walked through a door that looked like it had been rammed into by a car, I found myself in a large room, with what looked like a large pool next to me. Shark fins were visibly sticking out of the top of the water. What were they doing there? I did not have time to answer my own question, as I continued down the hall and was now looking at what looked to be a large garden. A dead tree towered above that appeared to touch the roof. Below it was a small patch of dead, grey grass surrounding the bottom of the tree. I continued into a small open area. To the side of me was a desk, and next to me were stairs that led downward.

I went down the stairs and headed through the broken door. At the end of the room were three elevator doors. Two were closed, but one was open, and had a ladder leading upwards. I began to climb the ladder with ease, as if I were flying up than climbing. I clambered out of the elevator shaft and was now in another ruined, colorless room. Chairs were upturned, glass was smashed, and papers were scattered across the floor. On the wall next to me was a black and white photo, matching the color theme of the room where I was. It was a group of people in lab coats. Each of their faces were crossed out with what looked like a black marker. Across from the painting was another desk. The continents of the world were on the wall, all colored black. That's when I felt a slight chill coming from somewhere in the room. I turned to see that the door that led into here was open.

I walked out of the room, and looked around in awe, but not in a good, surprised sort of way. A bad, shocked way. Instead of the sky being blue, it was now a reddish-black hue, which spread as far as the eye could see. There were dead trees everywhere, surrounding the laboratory and the empty cark park. It was like purgatory of some sort. I walked further. All the colors in this world were shades of grey, white, black, and red, no other colors. I walked up a long, wide road that led to a fence that looked like it was rammed into at full speed by a truck. I crouched through the broken wire and found myself on a road. I crossed my arms together and shivered slightly. I looked at the forest in front of me. In the distance, between the dead trees was a tall, looming figure, and each time I blinked, it got closer. Eventually, I closed my eyes completely and hoped that I would wake up soon. But I didn't. My eyes were suddenly forced open, and I found myself staring at a tall, humanoid figure, expect it had different features. It had the features of a Kaiju. Half of its head had the appearance of the Kaiju, it had crystals growing down its back, and it had a tail. It looked down at me and said "Welcome home. To your true home." Terrified, I began pinching myself across the arm. The creature reached out its long arm and touched my head. I could feel myself spinning, and spinning, and then it turned into a shake, then a voice rang in my ears, saying "Oliver, wake up! Oliver!"

"OLIVER!" The voice said again I woke up with a start, and swiped at whatever was in front of me. Emilio lurched backwards as he held his nose. "What the hell?!" He said, blood running down his nose. I must've scratched him when I swiped in the air. "Oh God, Emilio, I'm so sorry. W-what is it, anyway? I was sleeping." "Well, I woke up because of how unbelievably uncomfortable the bed was, and I just walked around the room for a while. At one point while you were sleeping, you started twitching a bit and making small noises, and I just ignored it. I looked out the window, and I saw that there were two black vans and a black Volvo parked near the receptionist's desk. These guys then came the Volvo and vans in suits, and one of them was wearing a Laminax logo badge on their collar! We need to leave, now! They must be looking for you!" "What? How did they find out I was here? How long ago did they arrive?" I said, getting up quickly. "I don't know... probably just over a minute ago now..." He said. I felt dizzy. "Emilio, you...  go to the receptionist's desk and return the room key, pay, and say you're leaving early. Then, run back and start the car. I'll make sure to stay out of view." Emilio nodded, and ran out of the room, the room keys jangling as he jogged across the parking lot.

I shut the rooms door and closed the curtains, hiding behind the kitchen bench. As I sat there, I felt desperately hopeless. They were right here, and it would be any moment before they discovered me. I then found myself beginning to pray, hoping in my head that this would be the last room that they would check. I couldn't remember the last time I had prayed like this. Before my parents divorced, every Sunday, they took me and James to the Catholic church that was a simple three-minute drive from our house. After they divorced, we never went to church again. I had only prayed a few times afterwards, for reasons that I couldn't remember. Here I was, mumbling a prayer that I hoped would get answered. I prayed for a little longer, and then I heard a car's engine start outside. I quickly muttered something about thanking God, then slowly opened the door. I shut the door quickly and ran to the side of the car, opening the back door and clambering into it, lowering myself from view.

Emilio backed out of the parking space and drove away from the hotel. "Emilio, were they inside? What were they saying?" I asked from the back, the car shaking a little bit. "I managed to get the room keys back, but I didn't hear anything they said." I sighed a little, shaking. "W-we are both probably the most wanted men in America in Laminax's eyes right now..." I said. "Wait, hang on, where's your messenger bag... thingy?" Emilio asked. "My what? Oh, God... I forgot it. It's in the room." Emilio and I were both silent as we drove further away from the motel, me looking out the window and the barely visible desert landscape.

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