After pinkie was finished with diamond tiara. She decided that she would need to somehow find sliver spoon. Which is quite strange that diamond tiara wasn't with her at this time. She was trying to compose herself that she will come any moment. She just needed to wait for her. Especially because she wouldn't take this long.
1 hour later..
Sliver spoon was quite confused on why diamond tiara wasn't here at this time. Because of the fact that she had clearly showed she was gonna make it into the playground especially because she said it was something that they usually do which is quite strange that she seemed to suddenly miss this type of occurrence this time.
Instead. Pinkie pie decided to arrive instead. Which seemed quite strange for her to appear of all people.
"Hey silver spoon! I think I know where Diamond tiara is! Could you follow me?"
Pinkie said with a smile.
Sliver spoon was slightly creeped out but decided to give her a chance.
"Uh sure pinkie..why not."
They were walking towards into the sugarcube corner until suddenly pinkie pie jointed at sliver spoon and hits sliver spoon hard with her legs. She lands at the wall.
Sliver spoon became unconscious. Pinkie pie was happy that sliver spoon could even be with diamond tiara in the first place.
10 minutes later..Sliver spoon woke up on some tube. It looked like she was trapped inside some glass tub. It was filling with water fast and it looked like she was going to drown. Before she was. She was stabbed with knifes on her legs and hooves. She was crying hard and she screamed to be let go. She couldn't think of anything but her parents and her bestest friend Diamond tiara.
She was sad that everything was ending so quick.
Everything just felt hopeless at that point. She was just..done..
Sliver spoon slowly drowned and pinkie pie came into place.
Pinkie pie: "seems like I got you now sliver spoon. I decided to do something different with you besides the others because you were just so unique. So haha. I got you with the drawl feeling didn't I? Haha!"
Pinkie slowly went to get the next number and she was surprised but not as before. She got a alicorn's number. A purple named with a steak of hot pink with wings and a horn.
"It's Twlight's turn!" Pinkie said.
HorrorThis story will go over the lore of cupcakes. It will also go over pinkie's origin and there are also gonna be chapters to this! Take this as my own take to the cupcakes story. Especially with how different this cupcakes story will be. This cupcakes...