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The sound of begging , traces of blood and the heat of the intimate action of two bodies was evident in the room.

"You are a monster ", Pim said.

"You think that ? I thought you took me for a  fool ", Tay said.

First entered the room as well.

"I guess I didn't need to be concerned for you", First said as he looked at what condition Pim was in.

"Ofc you didn't , I saw her eyes were not on me at all while flirting it was so obvious someone was making her do this", Tay said.

"How smart of you , so what are you here for ?", First asked the girl who was still naked.

"Leave me the fuck alone ", she yelled in their faces.

"It had something to do with Ohm , that's  what I found out ", First said.

"I said leave everything about me ", she yelled which made Tay pull her hair to make her shut up.

Pim yelped a bit in pain before stopping her screening and behaving.

"I just wanted to ruin you ", Pim said.

Tay leaves her hair and starts to head for the door.

"I hope you stay in your limits now ", First said as he follows Tay.

"You'll regret this !!", she yelled.

They ignored her and went on their way. As always , the two boys spent most of their time together. They sat in the classroom while the P.E class was going on when both doors got locked. The boys looked at each other before banging on the gate as their classroom didn't have any windows.

They were panicking already when another problem came to them. Smoke started to merge out of nowhere. They both covered their mouths as they looked at the fire that was slowly spreading in the room.

First taps on Tay's should as he shows some sign. Tay gives a thumbs up as Both the boys get at some distance from the door.

"Now !", First yelled as both of them ran and kicked the door , breaking it down. They quickly ran around the school telling about the fire which was stopped when the firemen arrived.

"You guy survived , how interesting ", Pim's voice came.

"Isn't killing us going too far ?", First said.

"Well , I didn't intend to kill you but what could I do , you and your friend were always together ", Pim said seductively.

"Just what are you acting like this for", Tay asked.

"It's fun ", she said in a psychotic manner.

Tay and First looked at each other and wondered what was wrong with this girl. Before the conversation could go any further , Pim pulled Tay in for a kiss.
Everyone gasped and started clicking pictures.

Once the kiss was broken , Tay looked at Pim confused...

"Everyone thought they were dating after that but in reality nothing was going on. In the end she killed herself. Tay was traumatized from it but he let everyone blame him cause he didn't want a whole facade about everyone discussing what could have happened to Pim", First said as he looked at Khao.

Khao just nodded knowingly.

"So the answer lies with Ohm and the other guy with him ", Khao asked.

"I presume so , I can't say anything if even they have a back story to themselves ", First said.

"Thank you for telling me , I'll stop bothering you guys now ", Khao said as he was leaving but First stopped him.

"Khao , please stop this. From what I assume of this situation , I don't think it would be a good end for you to find out what actually happened with Pim", First said.

"You can assume , but I'll find it out , after that I am coming for your heart so watch out", Khao said as he left.

First unconciously smiled as Khao left. After that he joined Tay again. Tay didn't ask what First and Khao talked about which made First glad.

"How does your guy know everything ?", Nanon commented as Fourth told about how Gemini already knew about the Pim situation.

"I wish I knew , it's like he has spies on me", Fourth said

"So what was the plan again ?", Ohm asked.

"Well if Khao is still in doubt about Pim then he is coming for you ", Nanon said.

"He is ", another voice came. All the boys looked in the direction.

"Oh Dew , long time no see", Nanon said with a smile.

"What are you doing here ?", Ohm asked.

"As a victim of Pim's tactics I am here to warn you about something. Khao knows for sure that Ohm had something to do with Pim", Dew said.

"So he decided to believe Tay in the end", Fourth said.

"No, someone else tattled on you ", Dew said.

"Who might that be ?", Nanon asked.

"First ", Dew said.

"That bastard always speaking up when not wanted ", Nanon commented as he turned to Ohm.

"You are stuck for good now ", Nanon said looking at Ohm.

"I know that , tell me what to do !", Ohm said.

"Why don't you make First stop Khao. Khao is already heads over heels for First. I bet he can stop him ", Fourth suggested.

"And how exactly are we gonna get First to be on our side ?", Ohm asked annoyed.

"New ", Fourth said.

All the boys looked at him.

"First likes New and Tay likes him as well. Both of them will be ready to stop Khao if New is at risk ", Fourth said.

"You always bring one or the other idea don't you ", Nanon said as he walked to Fourth.

"What can I say ? I have a golden brain ", Fourth said as he got punched to the ground.

"I already had to speak with Ohm about this but oh well I don't mind repeating. If my brother gets involved in this you won't be able to show your face to anyone ever again", Nanon threatened.

"We can just have Khao shut up ", Nanon said as he looked at Ohm.

"How ?", Ohm asked.

"Where there is a will there is a way ", Nanon said as he left the place.

"Out of the all the guys that love New he is the craziest one ", Dew commented.

"He really is ", Fourth said as he held his jaw in pain. Nanon punched him really hard.


Nanon took off early from school and searched down his whole house for where he had kept a certain pendrive. After hours of searching he finally found it.

He sits down , catching his breath as he puts the video.
Pim was on the screen. She looked into the camera and started to strip slowly. She touches her body as if she was making a porn clip.

Nanon fast forwards as it wasn't too interesting. Ohm enters the video and they sleep together. Nanon smirks at the clip before saving it on his drive and taking the pendrive out.

He holds it close to his face as he smirks to himself and thinks about how fun things were gonna turn out. He felt a bit bad for Fourth though. Fourth's only mistake was being at the wrong place at the wrong time because of which he got to know about Pim's dirty secret and fell in the traps made by Pim.

"You should have stopped when I told you to Pim", Nanon said to himself as he decided to take a shower.

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