Crutches, finals, and the end of High School (3rd POV)

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Oikawa is listless as he returns to school, forced to use a pair of crutches. Defeated with a surgery date scheduled for just after graduation. Even though he considered his options and chose to go forward with a series of surgeries, he feels like he lost. If he hadn't torn his ACL and overexerted his patellar tendon he wouldn't need multiple surgeries. If he hadn't hit his knee so hard during that game, he wouldn't have damaged his cartilage as well and he might not have been forced onto crutches so he doesn't put any weight on his right leg.

Oikawa hates it. Hates the crutches. The stares. The pitying glances. The questions.

He wants to be left alone. But at the same time, he wants to be hugged and told everything will be alright and his decision is the best one. Embarrassment becomes a constant in Oikawa's life, but at least Aoki and Iwaizumi are there for him- carrying his bag or books, fending off people asking questions, getting his lunch. Walking home is impossible for Oikawa and that first day on crutches becomes more of an embarrassment with the offer of a wheelchair because his parents can't get him. Oikawa's friends lighten the mood and offer to bring their bikes and a wagon.

He hates the extra stares with the wheelchair enough that he jokingly accepts and to his surprise, the two ACTUALLY show up at his house the next morning with said bikes and wagon. They're arguing when he opens the door, picking who gives Oikawa a ride and when. It gets Oikawa to laugh and Aoki and Iwaizumi share a relieved smile before Iwaizumi shrugs and says he can only help in mornings because he has to cram in as much studying as possible after school. The wagon is attached to Iwaizumi's bike and Aoki helps Oikawa into it, laughing when he protests that he'll look about as silly as when they all walked home with Oikawa in a wheelchair between the two.

Aoki waves it off and Iwaizumi decides to bike off without Aoki. Oikawa laughs a little as they try to hurry onto their bike and catch up with Iwaizumi and Oikawa, yelling that Iwaizumi is a "big, fat cheater" as they pick up speed to catch up. Oikawa yelps as Iwaizumi picks up speed too, yelling that the pair will tire themselves out racing every day. Iwaizumi yells back that every day is leg day and Aoki speeds past, saying something about how you have to exercise every part of your body or you'll have swole legs and a skimpy body. And for a moment, Oikawa forgets what he's stressed about because he has his two best friends around- even though they turn into the biggest idiots when they're all together.

Those become the best times of day for Oikawa, although he'll never tell Iwaizumi and probably not Aoki either. They can believe he's just embarrassed by their antics, especially when they drag him to the convenience store and hang out on the rare days that Iwaizumi isn't cramming and fill Oikawa's wagon with snacks that he has to make sure doesn't fall thanks to the duo's crazy biking. He's not sure if he should be impressed or concerned with all the racing they do.

Finals come and go. Oikawa can't even remember that whole week, let alone think of what any of the questions were. The stress of surgery came back to haunt him. At graduation, he can't even manage a smile because he's so nervous. And then his high school life is over.

Everyone else seems to be moving on and preparing and moving for college and Oikawa is all alone. He couldn't be scouted for any volleyball teams like he wanted due to the severe nature of his injuries. He can't return to volleyball for around a year depending on how he recovers and if he remembers not to push himself too much. And that's assuming he gets the best-case scenario and regains most of his mobility.

Oikawa can't get it out of his head, not that he has anyone to distract him from his thoughts. His mom dropped him off for surgery and now he's alone with a bunch of doctors until his parents are called after he's done. As the anesthesia starts kicking in, all Oikawa can think about is

What if his friends forget about him because he's behind now?

What if he forgets about his friends because they stop coming by out of pity?

What will he do if Aoki and Iwaizumi drift away from him because he's stuck at home while they're living their lives?

Oikawa doesn't want to be alone...

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