Chapter 19

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Sometimes, life throws the worst situations at a person. Breaking them apart into millions of pieces just for someone to come and put them back together in the most beautiful way.

But is that always true?

Isn't it possible that those people are broken to such an extent that they can never heal from the damage, the trauma, and the betrayal.


Taehyung woke up in an unfamiliar room.
His head was throbbing and his whole body felt like a truck had run over him.

He sat up slowly looking at his surroundings with red rimmed eyes.

He was at the bridge wasn't he.

He was there to end things once and for all. He was supposed to be dead by now then why is he alive all well in a room which he doesn't recognize.

He held his head and tried to remember what had happened.

Everything started coming back to him.

How he fell, but was saved by a stranger.
The warmth and the comfort he felt in his arms.
The way he broke down in front of a mere stranger and was cradled with such care.
He felt safe.

The door creaked open snapping the brunette out of his thoughts.

He looked up with frightened, confused eyes to see the same stranger with narrow feline eyes and white porcelain skin staring at him with unknown emotions.

"You woke up. I thought you'd be out for a few more hours." the stranger said walking towards the brunette on the bed.

Taehyung panicked, what does this man want with him, why did he bring him here, what is his intention, why did he save someone he doesn't know in the first place. 

There were a million questions running inside the brunette's head. He backed away to the corner of the bed holding the blanket tight against his chest and mumbled in a slow scared voice, "W-who are you and why d-did you bring m-me here?"

The stranger gave him a subtle smile, his features somewhat softening even more giving a sense of relief to the brunette.

"My name is Yoongi, Min Yoongi. And I brought you here because you passed out and I didn't know anything about you. Also it looked like you were not well, physically and mentally, so now if you don't mind then drink some water and come out I've got food for you" he gave the brunette a look of assurance that said that he meant no harm.

Yoongi then turned around and walked out, making taehyung release a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He shakily got up from the bed, trusting his instincts that this man won't harm him and followed him out.

Taehyung saw Yoongi sitting on the couch. It looked like they were in some hotel room. He went ahead and meekly sat beside the man with a comfortable distance between them.

Yoongi started opening the food boxes and giving a plate full of delicious looking dishes to the brunette.

Taehyung took the plate but saw yoongi didn't take anything for himself, so he asked, "Are you not gonna eat?"

"No, I've had my lunch it's already past noon. You eat up" he said with a blank face but feeling warmth bloom in his chest at someone he barely knows being concerned for him.

Taehyung started eating slowly. There were so many things he wanted to ask but then he remembered why was he at the bridge in the first place. His hands started shaking and no matter how hard he bit his lip to stop but the tears broke out.

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