3: Rainy Encounters

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y/n strolls through the park, taking in the beautiful sights around her. She admires the vibrant flowers in full bloom and the playful squirrels chasing each other. As she finds a cozy park bench, a gentle drop of water lands on her cheek. She touches it and realizes it's starting to drizzle. People around her start to scatter, seeking shelter from the rain, but y/n decides to stay and enjoy the moment.

She extends her hand and lets the raindrops patter against her skin, feeling a sense of freedom and joy. However, the drizzle quickly turns into a downpour, leaving y/n drenched and without anything to cover herself. Just as she starts to feel disheartened, a guy her age sits down next to her, holding out an umbrella for her.

"Oh no, you're getting all wet," y/n says, concerned.

"It's okay," he replies with a smile. "I don't mind."

y/n thanks him, but still feels bad about his soaked state. They both huddle under the same umbrella and make a dash to find cover under a nearby shed. As they shake it off, he runs his fingers through his damp hair, looking effortlessly charming.

With a warm smile, he extends his hand and says, "Hi, I'm Alex. Nice to meet you!" y/n shakes his hand and replies, "Hey, I'm y/n. It's great to meet you too, Alex!"

y/n asks with a playful tone, "So, what brings you to the park on a rainy day like this? Did you bring your umbrella or are you just a fan of spontaneous showers?"

Alex chuckles and replies with a hint of sarcasm, "Oh, you know, I just couldn't resist the allure of getting drenched and having my hair turn into a stylish mess. Plus, who needs a sunny day when you can have the thrill of dodging raindrops?"

y/n grins, appreciating Alex's witty response. "Ah, a fellow rain enthusiast! I couldn't agree more." They both laugh, feeling an instant connection as they bond over their shared appreciation for the rain.

They engage in conversation, sharing stories and laughter as they wait for the rain to subside. The sound of raindrops hitting the roof creates a cozy ambiance, making their conversation feel even more intimate.

As they talk, y/n can't help but notice Alex's captivating features up close. His warm smile, twinkling eyes, and the way his hair falls slightly over his forehead.

"Hey, I'm glad I met you, y/n," Alex says, breaking the silence.

y/n smiles back, feeling a sense of comfort and excitement. The rain outside may have brought them together, but their conversation and connection create a lasting impression.

They continue talking, losing track of time. They find themselves drawn to each other's quick wit and sense of humor, their laughter filling the air and solidifying their connection.

Eventually, the rain subsides, and they venture back out into the park, with the sun peeking through the clouds. They exchange contact information, promising to keep in touch. As they part ways, y:n waves goodbye with a smile.

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