The year is 2022, the expected year of Dan & Phil's wedding. Neither of them have dated anyone in over a decade but they haven't said anything about their sexuality. The day is October 19, both boys haven't uploaded a video in 3 weeks. Suddenly a notification from YouTube pops up on everyone in the phandoms phone, "Phan is Real" uploaded by danisnotnfire. Confused everyone clicks on it, its a simple 5 minute video similar to a lot of Dan's videos, seconds later everyone else gets another notification, this time its from 'AmazingPhil', its titled "Phil & Dan wedding 2022'. Its simple clips and photos from a wedding, their wedding. This is it, this is their coming out video. Dan is dressed in an all black suit and Phil is wearing the traditional suit. Of course, they've worn these to events in the past. This time the outfits different though, both men have a ring on their left finger. A picture of them kissing flashes on screen, then a picture of all the guests. Louise and Darcy are there, Darcy is almost a teen. Then there is Zoe & Alfie. They got married a few years ago and Zoe was pregnant with their first kid. Caspar, Joe and the other British you tubers are there, Pj and chris are there too. Then there are Troye, Tyler, Connor and a few others. Everyones smiling and Dan & Phil look the happiest they have ever been. Twitter is exploding about the video. There are millions of "DID THEY JUST COME OUT?" tweets, phan is trending worldwide and nothing from the two men yet. Other you tubers are telling them congrats on their wedding. Finally, a tweet from danisnotonfire, "Do whatever you have to do to be happy, and fyi i don't like vagina" then a tweet from AmazingPhil, "I'm glad to spend the rest of my life with my best friend and husband, @danisnotonfire.
Dan and Phil's wedding, 2022
FanfictionThe year is 2022, the expected year of Dan & Phil’s wedding. Neither of them have dated anyone in over a decade but they haven’t said anything about their sexuality. The day is October 19, both boys haven’t uploaded a video in 3 weeks. Suddenly a no...