The sunny side of London

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When I put stuff in italics and with a border like this:

'Hello' ( between the borders like this ‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵) 

This is going to be the inside thoughts of whichever character I am writing about. Basically like a diary sometimes recalling events/ telling the reader information that they need to know otherwise you wouldn't understand what is going on



I was on the train to the airport I couldn't believe this next week was going to be the best week of my life.  

                       ‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

Sorry I forgot to tell you I am on the way to the airport to go to Amsterdam with my best friend who I am meeting at the airport. I haven't seen her since the summer as she has been at University in the south west of the UK, whereas I live just outside of London. The reason we chose Amsterdam is well... I impulsively bought tickets to see Joker Out , who are my favourite band (also her's) as they hadn't announced another concert in the UK since the one I went to in July. She has never been to a Joker Out concert before as she didn't manage to get tickets to the previous one and I only met her after that concert. When I told her we were going to see Joker Out  she jumped up for joy, the only other country she had been to was Italy as she is half Italian but she was a young child then so she doesn't remember that much. However, she loves travelling and she has been all around the UK.

                         ‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

 Anyway back to the present.

I had just got off the train at the airport station, it was very busy considering it was still quite early, precisely 12:07am. The flight to Amsterdam was leaving at 14:55pm so I had plenty of time, however first I needed to find Christie. I scanned the station looking for her, she usually was very punctual. I started walking towards the escalators in case she waiting for me at the top. Then I felt two arms from behind me pull me into their embrace I turned around and there she was. I returned the hug and squealed "CHRISTIEEEEE", she then replied "LUCYYYYY" and we giggled. 

"I can't believe it has been nearly 3 months since I have seen you" she cried, I wiped away her tears "No need to cry you will probably be sick of me after this trip" I laughed.

We both then strolled leisurely towards the airport terminal. We both didn't take any extra bags so we didn't need to go to the bag drop off. Security went pretty quick and soon were at the big airport lounge. I then pointed towards the board and said "Oh the gate information just popped up that's great timing", it was currently only 2pm. Christie smiled ecstatically and added "Let's get moving then we don't know how far away the gate is." 

We walked for what felt like forever "Seriously did they give us the furthest away gate" I panted. Christie replied "Looks like it". Eventually, we reached the gate, there wasn't many people there yet so we sat down and waited, out the window we could see flights landing and talking off. Christie said " I can't believe we are going on a girl trip together finally". I replied " Me neither, I am finally now starting to believe we are actually doing this being here". We both smiled at each other. Since earlier we were busy going through security, we didn't have much time to catch up on what we had been getting up to in these last months so we just caught up with all the gossip while we waited for the plane to arrive. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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