The Hauntings - EXPLANATION

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Okay time for me to explain these guys

The Hauntings are a trio of hallucinations in Sona!Fel's mind. They mess with him in their own ways, and although Sona!Fel doesn't know how or why they're there, they still get to him.

The tall, skeleton-like one is named the Haunting of Flaws. Unique to it is it's entirely malicious behavior. It is constantly reminding Sona!Fel of his mistakes and guilt, and is always trying to convince him that he's hurt many people and that his friends actually want nothing to do with him. It can use the end of its tail as a blade and use it on Sona!Fel of he tries to explain himself, because it believes Sona!Fel cannot excuse what he has done. Because of this, Sona!Fel's brain tricks him into thinking he's been wounded, and he'll start to act weak and shaky, to the point he can't even stand straight until the haunting leaves, and with it, his imaginary injuries.

The shortest one, and arguably the strangest, is the Haunting of Obsession. Its motives are unclear, as it claims to want to protect Sona!Fel from the harsh world around him, to the point it'll try and keep Sona!Fel all to itself. It also always wants to look at Sona!Fel, both with the eyes surrounding it and with its own eyes, to the point it'll break and twist its neck in inhumane ways to do so. The only way it'll stop is if something is in the way, however it always knows where Sona!Fel is, so he can't hide. Despite this, though, it acts friendly, supporting Sona!Fel's ideas, playing games with him, and acting like a good friend...until Sona!Fel ignores it. The more Sona!Fel ignores it, the more needy and irritated it gets and the more eyes start to surround it. It'll eventually culminate to the point it snaps, starting to yell at and threaten Sona!Fel. If that doesn't make him give in to its wants, it'll use violence, however the yelling usually does the trick, so this is rare. It'll then bring Sona!Fel to an area the two can be alone and will do its normal stuff until it is satisfied and leaves. Until then, Sona!Fel cannot leave.

The final haunting is named the Haunting of Secrets. It wants Sona!Fel's secrets to stay secrets, to the point it'll make Sona!Fel isolate himself if needed. The Hauntings even existing is one of these secrets, so he can't tell anyone about them easily. If Sona!Fel tries to come clean, it'll feel like his words are stuck in his throat, and the Haunting of Secrets will have it's arms wrapped around Sona!Fel's neck to signify it. No matter how much he tries, he can't speak properly. He may try and claw at the haunting's arms, but it won't, he'll look real stupid doing it. But the Hauntings of Secrets isn't doing this because it wants Sona!Fel to suffer. In fact, it's more of the opposite. It feels like if Sona!Fel comes clean, he will be ridiculed and nobody will care for him anymore. It's like a double edged sword. Either suffer in silence with friends by your side, or come clean and be alone forever.

Okay rambling over

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