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"I have exactly thirteen minutes." I spoke, waltzing through the door of Hell Hall,"Hit me with everything from this morning." I say to Arty who stands with a notepad and pen in his hand readily awaiting my arrival. His eyes meet mine, unique eyeliner drawing my attention. I really do love this man.

"The Daily Mail said, and I quote, 'the new DeVil seems to be a little too far out of her league, it's about time she stepped down'." He says, crossing that off his list of daily information. Due to my lack of time I cannot keep up with who likes me and who doesn't.

"The Daily Mail can stick their heads up their arses and realise I am the most interesting thing on their agenda and they'll miss me when I'm gone." I call back, touching up my black lipstick at the first reflective surface I can find which just so happens to be a shard of lost glass found on the coffee table. Where it came from I have no idea, one of the dogs probably crashed into a mirror or window and dragged it along with them.

"Your sister stopped by to tell you she got the job, but as you know you were not here." I hum, Zylia and I did a little catch up in the last three years after she left school. She was no longer classified as a Never and apparently the school reformed.

Some man-chic named Rafal fucked it up. I'm not sure on the full story I didn't really listen, and we decided never to talk about the school again. Arty takes my silence as his signal to move along.

"You're on the front cover of every fashion magazine imaginable. And you're practically an internet sensation." He says, showing me an edit of my most recent endeavour to which he's rewarded a smirk and he returns with his sunny grin. "And the receiving end of that one letter you sent off but wouldn't let me approve, sent one back. It's in the kitchen." He says walking off as I continue on my search for food.

"Oh and Y/N!" He calls from one of the numerous rooms.


"You look gorgeous today!"

"Thank you Arty, make sure mother gets her meds please!" I call back, smile on my lips. I shake my head and return back to neutral as I start to chop up some fruit, eyes in search of the mystery letter. I sit down with my bowl and take it from the countertop. Six minutes.

I note it has remained unopened and thank Arty for how considerate he is. I slide the knife through golden wax and pull out the letter - sucking a mix of strawberry and pineapple juice from my fingers. The letter is quick along with informative and so I head upstairs to pack. Arty walks in nonchalantly.

"I'm leaving, inform the Daily Mail, I'm stepping down, the spotlight isn't for me." I say unbothered by the void this will leave in the media as I continue stuffing my favourite pieces in the, yet again, small suitcase.

"You're going back aren't you?" He sighs, hugging me from behind. I don't reply and he gives me a squeeze, "Say goodbye to Cruella first." A kiss on the cheek and he's gone. No questions asked. I comply with his wishes and enter the bright room my mother's body rests in. She hasn't woken up since the incident and so they somehow got her here. Home, where she can really rest.

I lean down to kiss her cheek, "I love you mother." I say, before I leave the restraints of this household forever. Hopefully.

The job I applied for only popped up recently and mentioned there would be two of us. If my subconscious serves me well I could figure out the other person as we'd make an excellent replacement to the founders. Plus she told me she'd applied to the same job.

When I arrive the castles look the same, minus the hustle of arriving children and add to the autumn chill. Not that I mind, I quite like the season itself. I landed on the bridge, next to the tower we were banned from entering as students, a purple ball of tulle joining me soon after. I look at her unfortunately recognisable features.


"DeVil." She laughs and I shake my head at the joyful eyes of my sister. The purple sapphire engagement ring and golden wedding ring that adorns her finger glint at me in the light. She wraps her arms around me and I struggle to keep balanced - it feels as though I'm about to be brutally murdered by a Parma Violet.

"Yes, yes. Good to see you also." I speak, pushing her from me. I might seriously have to consider filling a restraining order. I do wonder how her husband even copes with the clinginess, it never seems to stop.

I look behind her, a lemon coloured gown making their way towards us. Clarissa Dovey gets to us quickly interacting with Zylia before also pulling me into her embrace. The gesture is overly friendly, but her presence has been missed. A little. She steps back to fully observe us.

"I can't believe you're both back!" She speaks excitedly, "Y/N we will inform you about the old headmaster soon, but first, let's get you both settled!" She says grabbing Zylia's arm. We're introduced to many teachers, some I'm more familiar with from my short stay: others completely new acquaintances.

I take a seat next to Manley (unfortunately) and drum my nails along the base of the grey teacup - it's patterning resembling that of a spiderweb. Zylia, who ended up sitting on the other side of the table shoots me a glance - eyes briefly glowing light purple. A light tickle runs across the back of my hand but I hold her stare, transforming one of the flowers on her cup into the biting flowers from the forest.

The dark purple glow is emitted from my eyes as she lets out a yelp and diverts her attention. I call off the plant quickly to admire her handiwork; a black widow crawling across my hand. I watch as it crawls through my fingers with fascination. "You're lucky I'm not going to make that thing bite you." She calls, healing the small bitemark.

"Well yes considering this beauty's bite is extremely poisonous, Mrs Locke." I remark, a small smirk on my lips.

"Clarissa, you forgot to tell me our newbies were arriving today." A new voice drops in. My body recognises it immediately as a shiver is sent down my spine and I squish the spider on the table. "This one's shaking look at her." The voice muses, hand sliding around my neck. I'd recognise those rings anywhere.

"Lovely to see you again, Lady Lesso." I speak, prizing her hand from my neck, "But I don't enjoy partaking in your schemes of harassment." She stiffens as I stand to meet her eyes, still shorter than her. But, I'm still not going to be prey to her unchaste stare, to those ocean eyes.

"Dovey, I do believe you were about to show us where we'd be staying." I say, the table's atmosphere becoming tense. I sharpen my gaze to Zylia who lets out a small yawn and joins me, head resting on my shoulder.

"I could use some rest Clarissa." My twin emphasises, fawning exhaustion with another over exaggerated yawn.

"Ah yes!" The blonde woman finally spurs into action, eager to leave the void I have made during this small interaction. "Let's, follow me." She states.

"It was a delight." I shake Leonora's hand, not lingering for even a second. If I do, everything I worked for will fall apart and I myself will crack and break.

"Indeed." She whispers, frozen in her little world. Well, won't this be fun?

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