Part Zero: Exposition Propostion

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    Professor Utonium had never felt so guilty about a pancake breakfast. Still, he didn't want to be rude. So, he smiled and thanked Him for the meal as he sat up in his bed. He was always supposed to be sweet and ethical. Yet, he found himself lying next to a man capable of destroying his girls so many nights.
    The origins of their romance perplexed Utonium. One day, an interdimensional demon, called the Cosmic, had a plot so sinister, that the PowerPuffs had no choice but to stop it. It also so happened that it would destroy the things Him was trying to rule over. One night, when the two were trying to take the edge off, they got drunk and let the alcohol take them wherever.
     When Him wasn't causing mass destruction, criminal injustice, or attempting to murder his daughters, Utonium enjoyed his time with Him. It had honestly gone the best in any of his last few relationships. It's not like Him was secretly a villain, like Sedusa. He was openly a villain!
    Him's lips curled into his signature grin, "So, Professor, how is your breakfast?" The scientist blushed a little, reaching out to hold Him's crab claw. "It's great, Him. Thank you." Squeezing his hand, Him flirted, "You know, I could always... show you how sometime." Utonium smiled, "Well if you did that, what reason would I have to visit you at your restaurant?" Him chuckled, "Ohhhh, you don't need a reason to visit me. You're free to come visit me anytime."

    Utonium rested his head on Him's shoulder as he continued with his breakfast. As he went to take a bite, he noticed Him staring. He gestured his full fork to Him. As Utonium suspected, he took a slow, cheeky bite from his fork. It reminded him of their activities from last night.
     Every night Utonium had off from parenting... Him stayed over when the PowerPuffs were at sleepovers, mayoral meetings, etc. Utonium always fancied himself a good father. Now, he was starting to doubt it. He was dating his daughter's greatest enemy. Him. Him!!!
     Utonium wanted to talk with Him. He wanted to understand what they were doing. Were they lovers? What were Him's intentions? As much as Him seemed to care about him, there was still a voice in the back of his head telling him it was just a scheme. Him was always trying to hurt his girls. What reason did Utonium have to think that now was any different?
     He looked at the tray Him had set on his lap. (Not the only thing Him had ever set on his lap.) A white tray, with a red plate, red napkin, and red coaster with a white mug on it. It was a mug that said, "WORLD'S GREATEST DAD SCIENTIST" in big, red letters. Completely color coordinated, very Him. But what really stood out to Utonium was the coffee mug. Him had specifically chosen a mug that had been made by the girls a couple of Fathers Days ago.
     Though Utonium ate his breakfast, Him could tell something was irking him. They stayed sitting next to each other, Him's arm around Utonium until he finished his breakfast. "Let me get those for you." Him smiled, trying to get Utonium to do the same. "Thank you, Him." And Utonium did smile, but they could both feel the artificial quality behind it.

    When Him had put away the dishes, he came back to sit by Utonium. "Is something wrong, Dear? You seem rather-" Him was cut off by a loud, familiar voice, Blossom. "Professor! We're home!" She called. Him stood up, prepared to leave, "Well. That's my cue." Utonium got out of bed. "Goodbye, Him. I'll see you soon." Him opened a portal to return home, yet Utonium couldn't help but stop him. Grabbing Him's shoulder he pulled the villain towards him, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, "Goodbye, Him. I'll see you soon." Him walked into his home.
     Utonium buried his face in his hands in shame. Why did it have to be Him? He thought he must have a thing for criminals. First Sedusa and now Him.

     Him had a flame of evil, stark and scorching. A torch he had carried for millennia. However, the light that had begun to flicker for the first time in his life. He was growing soft. He had fallen for a human man. A human man who didn't seem to love him back.
    It seemed that for the first time since the creation of the universe, it seemed his actions had consequences. He didn't want murder. He didn't want destruction. Those weren't his priorities. His priority was Professor Utonium.
    He loved seeing the Professor at the Otto Time Diner. Professor had become a regular, and Him's favorite too. Him's new favorite part of the day was cooking for Professor. It made him feel pathetic. He was an entity so horrific, with a name so blood-curdling it was reduced to just Him. Now, he was just trying to get a single dad to hold his clawed hand.
    The worst part? The more feelings he developed for Professor, the softer he was on the PowerPuff Girls. His rivals! He was in love with the father of his enemy. Those brats! The Utonium family had always been an obstacle in Him's path to world domination. Now, they were an even bigger obstacle... in all the wrong ways.

    Him suspected that something was going on with Professor. There were a hundred different things Him told himself it could be. He's seeing a human man: he's having some issues as a single father, he's not enjoying their 'dates,' he's scared people will find out he's gay. But deep down, Him knew. He knew it wasn't a typical human-relationship problem. Professor's problem was him. He was a threat to the Professor's family.
     Him looked at the Professor through a window to his home. He sat on his bed, looking ashamed and conflicted. Until Bubbles flew in. The moment Professor saw her enter the room his face lit up. Him saw just how important his family was to Professor. And Him... wasn't a part of that family.

    Maybe not yet, at least.

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