chapter -01

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I was sitting in this small hole in the wall bar I usually go to when something really bad or good happens. Today it was the former the day did not go as I anticipated . I just broke up with the guy Ive been seeing for the last whole year. I'm not one to commit but this guy was kind and sweet and so caring it seemed I was living in a bubble. Turns out I fell for a nice guy .

I was at a mutual friends party where I caught the cheating asshole red handed. He treated me so nice always checking up on me and all that when all this time. I literally found them doing it in the bathroom . Completely devastated i did what seemed best left the damn place crying got into a cab to drink the grief away . I was so sure nothing could go wrong today and skipped the waterproof mascara and went all in with a regular one and now it was all streaming down my cheeks. I reached the bar looking absolutely wrecked,ella the bartender who was sort of a friend of mine looked at me with visible concern on her face,
"Oh hey there."

"Drown me in alcohol or I ain't talking."

"All right all right here " she said as she passed me a glass of whiskey. "Now, will you tell me"

"Shots get me shots" I said downing the contents of the glass.

"Now you tell me what's wrong or you're not getting anything", she said her voice laced with worry.

"Give me the shots first!" I cried out a couple of heads turned my way.

Elle gave me a stern look.

"Please", I said while sniffing trying to wipe the inky mess on my face . She placed the drinks in front of me with a defeated look,"there go crazy." She's clearly tired of me acting like a total brat. I started downing one after another planning to only stop when I can't feel my own face.

An hour later

" And that gigantic asshole had the audacity to say that he could explain if I ever see his face again I'll pain this town red with his gut." I wailed harder now I had quite a few intent listeners. I was clearly making a scene but no one seemed to complain. The guy in the purple suit was looking my way mildly amused .

"What's so funny huh?! I yelled in a drunken slur .

"Oh, everything." He said curtly eith the same expression playing on his face. He looked like an angel and had something of the devil in his gaze it sent a shiver doen my spin

I moved my attention to Elle instead and demanded that she gave me the entire bottle.

"Now em honey I think you've had enough."

"Just give it to me!"

"Give her the bottle." The man said in an icy tone.

"Okay.",Ella said and handed me the bottle almost mechanically without a single protest. Standing up I took a long swig out of bottle and walked up to this mysterious stranger.

"Just tell me this who the.." I was cut short because someone barging in eith a loud thud of the door.

" Oh look who it is my dearly beloved boyfriend who not only forgot my birthday but had the audacity to cheat on the very same day!" I screamed addressing the whole crowd .

" Listen pooh bear I can explain." He said pathetically

" You can explain what?you were acting shady for months How you are this helpless sweet guy that accidentally fell on her vagina ?!"

"Oh now you're gonna..."

" Just get the fuck out of here I never should have trusted him enough about my safe places .Oh god knows I did too much of that already!"

After I was hoarse from screaming at him I walked back to the counter another swig while that treacherous bastard started spewing nonsense about everything and nothing. Everyone was far too invested to call the security on me not that this place had any.

Just when I grabbed the bottle the guy on the other side of the counter said or more like commanded

"Come here."

Annoyed I walked to him bottle in hand, " who the hell do you think you are?"

"That would be Zebediah killgrave" He said in the same icy voice.

"Oh", I said like I knew exactly who he was, I didn't.

"Now",he said pressing his lips together looking thoughtful for a moment," crack his head open with that bottle." He said in his suave English accent

Taking one last swig I walked up to my ex who he was yammering on and on about how everything I did led him to the arms of another.

I hit him with the bottle. With one swift blow I knocked him out.

"Come back", Zebediah commanded again

I speed walked across the room and stopped barely half a feet away from his face. "Oh you've got great hair don't you?"He said looking admiringly at my mascara stained face as he gently removed the hair stuck on my face pulling me even closer by the waist . "And a lovely face too. "I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Now for ...," he said as he flashed a rather magnificent smile.

"Shut the fuck up," I said Without thinking I kissed him like I really mean it.

After I pulled away shock was visible in his every feature. His arms that were circling my waist fell to his sides. Ah oh am I in trouble?
"You kissed me...," The man named Zebediah said in an incredulous manner.


"Yeah, I did. Is that bad?" She said flashing a smug toothy grin. She looked positively crazy and I was stunned to say the least.

"But I didn't ask you too."

"Yeah I did it anyway," leaning in she whispered into my ear than started giggling One minute she seemed perfectly under my control and than the next she was not. Than she ran to the limp body of the guy I thought she knocked out because I told her to and bend down

" Did you see that you stu.." frowning when she realized that he was unconscious she plopped herself down on a seat and tried to read the label on the bottle,bouil.....bsh what is it french?" Than looking rather sad mumbled to herself,"I've never been out of this country" Than out of the blue yelled again this one directed to the bartender

" Tell that waste of space that I ran away with Zeba... "

Than she jumped out of her seat.

" What was your name again? Anyway Zeb let's run away to paris.....!" She dramatically hugging a nearby pole.

Em's POV

The astonished look slowly melted away from his face and it was replaced by the same composed chilly yet amused look. I took another hearty swing from the bottle, lost my balance and fell. I don't remember anything after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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