A Fresh Start

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   Y/n slept soundly in her bed. "Gobbly gobbly," she snored loudly. Little did she know there was a pair of hungry eyes watching her sleep. Y/n was awoken to the sound of shattered glass. Looking around in the dark, she saw that the window was in pieces on the floor.

    Y/n got up to see what happened, making sure not to step on the glass with her crusty musty bird feet. Suddenly, her shoulders were grabbed and she was flipped around to see the most beautiful, white, glaring eyes she had ever seen. The man picked her up bridal style while smirking and jumped out the window.

    Y/n had never flown before. Turkeys didn't have wings suited for the air, but now she was flying. She thought about screaming, but she decided against it, as she didn't want to disturb the neighbors. Her kidnapper landed softly on the ground and continued on his way towards the haunted forest.

    He ran deeper and deeper into the woods, holding y/n tightly in his strong, tan arms. The man glanced down and she caught a glimpse of his soft features. He reminded her of her past lover, Dream.

    She knew it was crazy, but y/n wanted to passionately french kiss this gorgeous specimen. She gently stroked his face and fell asleep in his warm embrace.

    Waking up from her short nap, Y/n woke up to being placed on the stone floor of a cave. Standing around her were three alphas , including the guy who stole her from her soundless slumber. Still drowsy, she could hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

    "Dude! You were supposed to get a fucking turkey!" A blond man with an incredible jawline and blue eyes yelled.

Now that you were in the light, you could see that the man who kidnapped you with his gorgeous white eyes, also has fluffy brown hair. "I didn't know she was a hybrid, I'm color blind!" he shouted.

The third man, who had green eyes and peppered hair, put his hand over his eyes and sighed irritably. "You fucking donkey. Well what are we going to do with her now?"

"I have a name you know!" Shouted Y/n who mustered up the courage to speak, "It's Y/n!" Even after telling the men her name they continued to speak, ignoring her.

    "I mean, we could still eat her." The guy with blue eyes announced.

    "You're going to eat me?" Y/n blushed profusely. Completely flustered, she covered her newly red face with her gray wings.

Carl, being the oldest and wisest, says, "We can't just eat her, she is part human after all.

    Chase, the colorblind one, chimed in and agreed with Carl, "Wouldn't that make us cannibals?"

    Chad, who didn't care, said, "Human or not, I'm hungry, when can we stuff her?"

"More like, how do we stuff her.." Chase mumbled under his breath.

    "What was that?" Carl snapped.

    Y/n blushed again. They're going to stuff me? With what? The thought made her squeal and cover her face again.

    "Look what you've done. You've scared our dinner." Chad snarled. "We would be having a real turkey if it wasn't for Chase's dumb ass."

    "For the last time, she isn't our dinner, you halfwit!" Carl hissed with a slight british accent.

    Y/n, seeing her perfect chance to escape, darted through the exit of the cave. She dodged low hanging branches and jumped over stumps. She had no idea where she was, and while she was caught up in her thoughts, her foot got caught under the root of a tree and she made hard contact with the ground.

   Y/n yelped in agony, realizing that she must have twisted her ankle. She breathed heavily and prayed to the lord that she wouldn't be found.

    Sitting in the dark, all alone, in the middle of the woods, Y/n begins to sob. The sinking realization hits her. She's not getting out of here alive.

    Somewhere in the abyss, Y/n hears a rustling in the bushes. She closed her eyes, tears still streaming down her petite face.

   "There you are." It was Chad, holding a lantern and an ax.

    "Please don't kill me. I just want to go home." She begged, wiping the tears from her y/e/c (your eye color) eyes.

    "Why are you just sitting here?" He questioned. Finally noticing your legs, he winced at the sight of your twisted ankle. "That must hurt like hell."

    Chad dropped the ax and crouched down near her bird feet. She instinctively pulled away from him, tense.

    "I'm sorry for saying that stuff, I was just hungry." Chad whispered, slowly moving towards her. Y/n stopped scooting away and thought about his words. She then smiled briefly and allowed him to pick her up.

   Chad slowly leaned in for a kiss, pecking her on the cheek. Y/n blushed, her face practically redder than a tomato. She knew what was about to happen, and within seconds, he was holding an actual turkey.

   As Chad stared down in confusion, his brothers bursted through the bushes wondering why the hell he was holding a turkey.

   "Where's the girl?" Carl glowered.

   "Oh, you mean Y/n, well I'm holding her." He declared, still confused.

   "Chad, do you think I'm fucking stupid?" Both brothers spat aggravatedly in unison.

   "That's an actual turkey, like the one Chase was too stupid to find." Carl glared at him through the corner or his eyes. "I mean, it takes care of dinner," He chuckled.

   "NO!" Chad screamed, holding the turkey even tighter. "This really is her. We kissed and she turned into a turkey!" Chad blurted, thinking they wanted to eat her.

   "Wait... you kissed her?" Chase mused, a wide grin spreading across his face. "You. The guy that wanted to eat her. 😏 This is the funniest shit I've heard all day."

   "Says the asshole that literally brought a whole person, thinking it was a damn turkey."

   Carl snorted and rubbed his face with his hands. "Bloody hell. You prats are too much." He chuckled again and trailed off back into the woods while the other two stared one another down.

   "Uhhhgggg. Come on, you. Let's go." Chase pulled him up and started dragging him after their oldest sibling. Chad carried her and she fell asleep soundly in his arms.

Y/N Meets Omega Verse Thanksgiving SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now