Chapter 8

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Cath's POV

It has been 3 months since the whole Andy incident. Since then we've become good friends. He and CC have also become good friends. They started a band actually. The members consist of Ashley Purdy, a guy from another school, Jake Pitts, a shy guy who in reality isnt shy, Jinxx, also from the other school; the geek and really quite guy, Andy and CC. But they all let loose when they're preforming. They're pretty good. And they have a fairly big ammount of fans. In fact, we are in one of their shows at a local bar right now and there are at least 30 fans there.

"You know, I've always had a thing for drummers." Jackie said as she stirred her drink.

"Yea. I've always had a thing for lead singers." Ever since what happened that night I've gotten to know Andy more and more and I've been liking what I know. Of course Jackie knows this too but I haven't built up the courage to say anything about it to Andy.

"Cath, why don't you just tell him already! All the sexual tension between the two of you is killing me!" Jackie took a big sip of her margarita and cheered as the guys ended one of their songs.

"Well what if he doesn't feel the same way? I'll just be ruining this friendship we've just started. I really like him but I also really like him as a friend." I took a sip of my cocktail and looked at Jackie.

"Look Cath, I'm know for a fact he likes you too. I can tell. What if you don't say anything about it and it turns out you both felt the same way about each other?"

I turned my attention to Andy who had just brought a girl up to the stage.

"Hey everyone how's it going?!" Andy yelled through the mic. "Well I appreciate all the fans that came to see us and I also appreciate the people who did not come to see us but still stayed in the bar and put up with our music." The crowd laughed and Andy wrapped an arm around the girl's waist. My body tensed. "Well I would like you to meet the inspiration, my muse, behind the next song. Everyone I would like you to meet my girlfriend Cassie!"

My heart sank. I could feel Jackie's eyes on me but I couldn't look away from Andy kissing this Cassie girl. I looked at CC and he was already looking in my direction. He mouth "I'm sorry. I didn't know." I guess Jackie had told him.

Tears rimmed my eyes.I turned to Jackie, "I guess you were wrong. I was the only one that felt that way. I should go." I got up, grabbed my drink and drank it all in a quick sip, payed for it and grabbed my purse.

Jackie looked at me as I walked past her."Cath wait!"

I walked outside and headed for my car. Once I got in I couldn't hold it anymore. I punched the steering wheel and let the tears fall. "DAMN IT!"

This is exactly why I didn't want to let anyone in. This is what those walls were for.

Jackie's POV
The boys got done playing Rebel Love Song after Andy's little scene and said goodbye to the audience. As soon as they got off stage CC ran to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't know he was talking to anyone, I would've told you to distract Cath or something." CC said.

"Its okay, its not your fault." The rest of the guys came over to us and Andy had an arm over the girls shoulder and the biggest smile on his face.

"Guys this is living the life! Fans, making music, and of course an amazing beautiful girlfriend." Andy kissed Cassie in the cheeck and she blushed. "Oh and I can't forget my best friend. Imagine how it all will be when the band becomes more successful! Where's Cath anyway?"

I scoffed and walked away, pissed off because of Andy's ignorance.

I heard CC say "You're such a fucken idiot." Before following me.

"Hey where are you going?" CC grabbed my hand to stop me and I turned to look at him.

"Cath shouldn't be alone when she's feeling like this. I need to find her! She has done... Things before and she promised me she wouldn't again but.. I don't know. She really liked Andy. And I thought he really liked her too."

He hesitated for a moment but finally gave in. "Come on, I'll drive you to her house."
Cath's POV
I got home and fumbled with the keys, trying to open the front door but I couldn't see a thing, my vision blurred with tears. When I finally did get the door open I found mom sitting on the couch with a glass of whine. Great, just what I needed.

"Mom you shouldn't be drinking" I walked over to her, wiped my eyes and grabbed the bottle.

"What's wrong honey?" Her eyes were droopy and tired and her breath reeked of alcohol.

I took the glass away from her and helped her up. "Nothing Mom, I can't do this today. Let's get you to bed." I helped her walk to her bed room and as soon as she hit the mattress she fell asleep. I then texted Danny.

Me: Where are you?! Caught mom drinking again.

Danny: out with friends. Seriously?! We'll talk when I get home.

This was the last fucken straw.

I went to my room, grabbed my earphones, and turned up the music until I couldn't feel a fucken thing. Tears kept rolling down my checks and then I noticed it. I knew crying over a boy was the stupidest thing ever but honestly, all the emotions and dark thoughts that had been built up over the past year came flooding back, clouding my mind. All I could focus on was the little red box hidden in my closet.
I honestly don't know how this is gonna end I'm just making things up as I go I have the wooorrsst writers block right now omfg its barely chapter 8. I always have kind of an idea of what I want the story to go like I know what the next 3 chapters are gonna be like. For example the whole "cath getting drunk and waking up in a bed with Andy" was all planned out even before I started writing it but now I'm just kinda making things up and seeing where that leaves me so bare with me, I think this might actually end up being okay.

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