Who Are You?! Part 2

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???: just answer me the damn question, we don't have enough time the moon is gonna fall and there's nothing we can do about it in this "Time Line" .

Simon: Ok, fine I will follow you . But you better promise what you are saying , Ok?


As Simon and the mysterious guy came across the room, the ground started quaking and then suddenly a Space Time Hole opened, Both Simon and him had jumped into it and then a flash covered the empty room , they were gone.......

*Sounds of people falling from the sky*
*crash landed on earth*

Simon: Damn it that hurt , Wait why am I a 10 year old again?! , Never mind just tell me your name and what do u know about me and my past?

???: My real Name can't be revealed for now , neither why I know so much about you , so for now call me Ody , and come we have work to do.

Both shook hands as they approach the Giha Village hoping to find Kamina and start a new Beginning.

(End of Second Chapter). Author: Ok guys if u want me to continue and even end this BIG Adventure you guys better put some interest into it and share this if you can, Coz honestly I am not gonna waste my precious time writing and history that no one will read. Hope u liked this 2 chapters and Hope this can have a cheer ending.

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