Straight outa Zootopia

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White hot pain was the first thing you felt when you opened your eyes

Wincing, You sit up quickly, hunching over in pain while holding your stomach.


You sit like that for a bit, pressing on your stomach hoping to ease the need to let out whatever you had for lunch. Finally, for what seemed to have been an hour, you begin to take in your surroundings.

you don't remember being here, at all. Taking a large breath and laying a hand on the.. sand, you pull yourself off the ground.

Finally standing, your knees seemingly not happy for even the slightest bit of movement, you look ahead of you.

The sea.. A sea. You look out ahead , seeing a cluster of small landmasses in the distance with a mountain along with them. Why does that look familiar..?

You take a step forward towards the open water. You quickly loose your balence, falling falling on the sand with a yelp.

Cursing whatever being sent you here, you attempt to stand again, almost tripping, but succeeding this time.

Looking to your legs, you scream.

You fall right on your ass. Breathing heavily, staring at where your feet would normally be, only to find... Paws.? Claws?? You had no clue.

Stretching your toes out a bit, moving them each one by one. They were similar to a canine. You hold your foot, large paw pads visible beneath the fur, nails like dogs, only much sharper.

The same could be said about your hands, only there wasn't really any fur, just much sharper nails. They weren't as if you had fake nails, but if they were similar to a cat's claws. The tips of your fingers almost molded into your nails just like cats, but other than that they were still hands.

I wanna go home

Tears start to well up in your eyes, just about to wipe them away only to brush your arm past your head, feeling something else soft, you trace the feeling just a few inches above your head.

You flinched as you felt the thing twitch, oh you gotta be fucking kidding me, what else could go wrong..

I have a tail

You go to feel the mound of fur, similar shape to a rabbit except much larger, you yell out in frustration. Of course this had to be you of all people, who wouldn't want to wake up in the middle of nowhere transformed into a furry.

Standing up to explore around the beach, attempting to get everything strange so far out of your mind.

More and more things start to look familiar to you, but unable to put your finger on it you continue. Passing by a somewhat large rock formation, you see a- waypoint..

Your eyes widen, now realizing why things looked familiar.

You were in Genshin, the game that made your wallet empty at every chance it could get.

You quickly look around, knowing that this is where a ruin guard usually roams, you see it tramping in the water keeping an eye out for someone to attack. You start to jog at a decent pace, making your way behind the small mountain and the larger boulder. Noticing the Cicin Mage walking around the beach, you climb onto the small mountain to get a better hiding spot, a few pebbles landing on the sand in your attempt to grab hold of a rock.

The Cicin Mage definitely heard something, her head turning in your direction and walking towards you.

"Oh? Someone to amuse me~." Hearing the unnecessarily suggestive voice of the mage, your eyes widen in panic. You jump off the mountain and run, getting wet in the process due to splashing in the water.

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