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     I can't believe it's been 2 years already since Toby got away and out of this faction, out of that cursed house. I'm still trying to figure out why Abnegation allows Marcus to remain in charge. He seriously went down even more after Toby left. He let his anger show, and he still can't control it. Plus, he always reeks of Alcohol and Abnegation aren't allowed to have alcohol because it's self-indulgent and therefore selfish. But now it mine and my siblings turn to choose. Poor Beatrice seems so conflicted on what to do. It was obvious that she didn't get Abnegation on her test, so last night, the 3 of us talked about it. Beatrice doesn't know if she truly wants to leave. Especially now that she knows that Caleb and I are leaving. Caleb didn't tell us exactly what he got, but it isn't hard to figure out if you pay attention to him. Beatris, however, doesn't know if she wants to leave for Dauntless. Anyway, we're already here at the Hub, just waiting for this to start. When finally after what feels like forever........

    " Caleb Prior" that son of a bitch, I mean Marcus yelled. I watch as my brother takes the blade and makes a shallow cut, and it drips into  "ERUDITE"    all of the Auditorium let's out a very audible gasps of shock, except for Erudites leader Jeanine Matthews, and me.

     "Momma, Daddy I just want you to know that the 3 of us love you. Always don't take Caleb leaving personally. He was born for Erudite, and being there will make him happy because he can finally be who he was meant to be instead of hiding away" I told them as softly as I could as to not bring attention to us.

   "Beatrice Prior," Marcus called out after managing to get everyone to quiet down. She looks more unsure now that she has seen the reaction to Caleb defecting from Abnegation, but still, she takes the blade and cuts her hand. For a second, it looks like she's gonna choose Abnegation until she switches her hand over and.. "DAUNTLESS"   Everyone started to murmur again, but it was drowned out by the roar of Dauntless. I comfort my parents again before apologizing but this time instead of remaining quiet they tell me it's OK. That they know that I wasn't meant to stay in Abnegation my whole life.

    "Adelaide Prior,"  I slowly walk up to the stage with my head held high. I take to blade from Marcus and examine the bowl , even though I know exactly where I'm going. Soil for Amity, Grey smooth stone for Abnegation, broken glass for Candor, Water for Erudite, and lastly Hot coals for my new faction, for....

Sizzle.  "DAUNTLESS "  Then I did something even more shocking. I used the knife to cut my long ass skirt so that it would be easier for me to get on the train later.

While everyone else was murmuring and Dauntless  was cheering as loud as they could I leaned in towards Marcus and whispered " now you just lost 3 more important abenegation kids boy won't Jeanine have fun with this. Just hope reporters don't come find me because I will expose you for the piece of shit you are and what you did to Toby. If I see you anywhere near him, whether it's mandatory or not I will gut you like a fish." Then I walked away towards my new home and wait for this shit show to finally be over with.

    After what felt like forever, but was probably just like an hour longer, it was finally time to leave. I took off running with the rest of Dauntless staying near the front of the pack like it was where I was meant to be, leading them all. I was laughing at all the bewildered looks on the other kids faces as they were all getting passed by a "stiff". I rocketed up faster than even the Dauntless members designated to take us back to the compound. When I got to the top I looked down to watch the grey blur that is my sister. Who would've thought the divergent was more prepared than the actual Dauntless in the family. When I hear the train I take of running and swing myself up into the very first car, and sit down against the wall waiting to see if anyone would dare to approach me.

  As I rested my eyes waiting to see who would dare approach the stiff that has more talent then them I hear the footsteps of 4 getting closer and closer to me so I open my eyes and I see 3 kids, 2 girls and a boy,  probably initiates like me and an older member probably in the same initiate year as Toby standing infront of me.

   "That was pretty impressive, are you sure you're Abnegation." The boy said and I laughed.

  "Well there's a reason I left. The names Addie." I said calmly.

  "OH shit yea we forgot to introduce ourselves huh. We'll I'm Uriah." The boy said.

  "I'm Marlene" the pretty girl with blonde hair with a red stripe introduces.

   "I'm Lynn, and you just got lucky I doubt a stiff like you will make it through initiation." Another pretty, but bitchy, blonde says.

  "How much you wanna bet I'll rank 1st because sweetheart I didn't leave my parents just to disappoint them. I came to be the very fucking best. I won't tolerate any disrespect just because of the faction I was born into." I said looking bored but my voice held determination and a dangerous fire that made all four of them look at me with surprise written all over their faces.

  "Shit let me just apologize for my bitchy baby sister. I'm Shauna and I think you'll fit in just fine here. Especially if you're who I think you are. Lynn will learn to respect you one way or another." The older girl said after lightly hitting her sister upside the head. " That's enough of the idle chitchat though. It's time to jump." As soon as those words left her mouth I ran right outta the train before hitting to roof and rolling to perfectly land on my feet. I stared right at the train with my arms crossed waiting impatiently for everyone else to either jump or be factionless.

                             3rd person P.O.V

As the former Abnegation made her perfect landing she wasn't paying attention to the two standing behind her. Two of the leaders, the scarier ones at that, were staring at her with two different looks in there eyes. Max, the main leader, like the biggest prize ever just fell right into his lap. He truly believed he had found his new protégé, but decided he won't say anything until he sees how she does throughout initiation. Eric, the stone cold ruthless leader, who couldn't believe that such a beautiful and kind of badass girl could come from the same Faction as the one person he hated the most in the entire compound. But what he did know is that he will do whatever it takes to make her his. It didn't matter if he had never meant her before. Something seemed familiar about her, but it was buried in the deep recesses of his mind. Something about that Fiery red hair though is bringing something back.

W.C 1241

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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