The meeting

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Hi guys, I might not be able to post that much as I have exams coming up so I got to study. I will try to post but I hope you like the story so

Felix's POV
I just returned to my dorm after dance practice and see the staff members talking about something. I got a little closer to hear what they were talking about.

"So when will the new staff member arrive?" A staff member named Lisa said
"I don't know maybe in the evening." Jisoo, my favourite staff member said
I was so excited, A new staff member means a new person to get to know! Then my mind rushed with thoughts like
How old are they, where are they from, why do we need a new staff member, who will show him around until Jisoo saw me

"Felix?, what are you doing here" Jisoo said
"N-Nothing, just going to my dorm" I said sounding so nervous, Jisoo will definitely suspect something
"Hm, ok but I will be a little busy today because we have a new staff member joining us" Jisoo said a little excitedly
"A NEW STAFF MEMBER, THATS AMAZING!" I tried to sound convincing that I didn't just hear about this, Jisoo just looked at me and said "Calm down, he won't be coming for another hour"

I immediately thought He?, OMG ITS A BOY, IS HE HOT- wait why would I think he's hot I'm straight, right?
Jisoo noticed I was zoned out and started waving her hand in front of my face and saying "Earth to Felix, hello o?"
I snapped back into reality, "Huh, yeah sorry" Jisoo looked at me and said "is everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything is fine!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chans POV

I finally reached JYP entertainment, I'm kinda nervous but there is no going back!
I opened the doors and went to the receptionist and told her my name and she gave me my Staff ID card and let me go further inside
I met another staff member named Jisoo, who showed me around,told me how some things worked over all she was really nice
Then someone walked in, It was a boy with beautiful brown freckles and blue hair he was smiling saying Jisoo's name.
Then he saw me, and said "Hello!, my name is Felix what's yours."and I said "Hello, my name is Chris but people call me Chan
Then he started to talk to Jisoo. I decided to leave the room so they could talk, In reality my heart was beating so fast. Am I in ... love?
Felix's POV
I came back after recording the MV for our song and wanted to talk to Jisoo about the MV, I was so happy to see her
As I walked into the room saying Jisoo's name, I saw Jisoo talking with someone.It was a boy with naturally curled hair and cute dimples that would show up every time he smiled I bowed to him and introduced myself
"Hello!, my name is Felix what's yours?"
"Hello, my name is Chris but people call me Chan"
My heart was beating so fast but I don't like guys I'm straight......right? I started to talk to Jisoo to distract myself from him and then he went outside of the room
Did I make him uncomfortable?
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Hi it's me 👋🐥

Hope you like the story will try to post updates soon 🫶🏽

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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