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Chatter filled the mirror chamber as students talked among themselves. Several first-years already had acquainted themselves with other students, eager to start their lives at Night Raven College.

As much as the students tried their best to keep their excitement at bay, they could not help but feel impatient. The entrance ceremony ended a while ago, but they still weren't being dismissed, because a certain mask-wearing man was nowhere to be seen. He had been gone for a while now that even the housewardens themselves couldn't help but feel impatient.

"Is that all for the new student dorm assignments?" Riddle asked as he put a hand on his hip. He then turned to face the poor first-years who were put under Heartslabyul. "Listen up, new students. Here in Heartslabyul, I am the rules. Break them, and it's off with your head." He said sternly as his eyes surveyed the students and ensured they understood.

From another corner of the mirror chamber, there was a long yawn. "...Ugh. The stuffy ceremony is finally over," a tall, tan-skinned man said and stretched his arms. The man had thick, dark brown hair that ended just below his shoulders, with two sections on both sides of his face that seemed to be braided and poked out from the hood of his ceremonial robes. "We're going back to the dorm. Savannaclaws, follow me," he announced, waving a hand to usher the Savannaclaw students to follow him, but was stopped by Riddle throwing him a look. Leona huffed.

Y/N walked into the mirror chamber, accompanied by his signature closed eyes and a small smile. It seemed like he was just in time to hear a certain glasses-wearing male welcome and congratulate the students.

"Benevolent as always, dorm head Ashengrotto. I wish you nothing but the best in tending to your dorm. However, I am certain my wishes are not needed. You are quite the competent and intelligent man, after all," Y/N told Azul as he walked past him.

Azul heard this and turned to give a close-eyed smile — one that almost mimicked Y/N's — in response and said, "Why, thank you, Y/N. Please don't hesitate to ask me for help if needed; I would be more than willing, but not without a price, of course."

Y/N could nod, disregarding the seemingly ominous aura that practically radiated off of Azul enough that Y/N physically felt it. "I will keep that in mind, dorm head Ashengrotto."

Y/N proceeded to walk. He then heard Vil speak when he was a reasonable distance from the tall man, so he stopped.

"By the way, where did the headmaster go? He flew right in the middle of the ceremony..." Vil asked as he placed his hand on his hip, disappointed.

"Abandoning his post..." The floating tablet spoke, equally disappointed. Considering that it was a tablet, it wasn't hard to say that it was from Ignihyde's housewarden — who obviously didn't want to be at the ceremony in person — considering that Ignihyde seemed to be the only dorm at NRC that equipped such technology.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about your little servant?" Leona, the tan-skinned man from earlier, asked Vil with a smirk on his lips. "He was gone longer than the headmaster."

Y/N took that as a sign to show himself, paying no regard to Leona, and bowed to Vil. "I apologize for being late in my return, my liege," he said and stood straight. "There were some...inconveniences," he added, a bit hesitant.

Vil raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly. "And what may that be? I can only guess so much by looking at your robes," he said and gestured to Y/N's clothes, which prompted Y/N's hands to feel up his robes.

His robes felt disheveled, and his sash seemed out of place. Y/N could only let out an "oh" as he vividly imagined the state of his garments. That must have happened during that (strange) encounter with the human in the courtyard.

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