"Be a dear and remember: Corporate will pay us less if we go along with safety regulations so you better cut corners!" Audrey told her, chuckling at her odd joke. She had pulled out a crossbow to hand over to her maid. Madoka looked at her inquisitively as she had forgotten they had the weapon. "You might need this or something. Oh! And—" She whispered more ominous words in English as she handed over the bolts to the maid—"If you need to get to me, kill anything or anyone that gets in your way."
Her heavy words landed on her like hissing coal melting the snow and burned with remnants of sparks on their brittle edges.
The red haired girl was nervous about being alone and alternated her grip on each of her weapons beneath her cloak. The crossbow's quiver slung easily at her side as she felt its mechanisms.
She would claim that it was because Audrey was too dangerous to be left to her own devices without her but that was simply a lie to herself. The princess moved confidently away to join her group but anxiety gnawed at Madoka. She looked away in a futile attempt to prevent the loneliness that sank its teeth into her.
The Guild Master paid her a look as she attempted to hide her feelings.
The light in his eyes burned brightly from the golden reflection of Knotting strands and fiery orange irises. She sensed recognition in that brief moment of odd warmth before Luxgor turned away to lead other parties. He had a burning recognition of something in her. Fear? Madoka shook her head as she held onto his gaze for a little bit more.
No, it was blind trust. Faith? It was foolishness. The Guild Master feared both of them at first but now merely hesitates before reprimanding them. She hoped to gain his trust for Audrey's sake.
He believed in her and sent her to go with the original iron rank party. Madoka hesitated and looked back towards Audrey. The haughty mage and her princess were already on the move with the rest of their party. All Madoka could do now is pray to the kind gods for her safety. She even sent a prayer to Ceghinort though he seemed unreliable.
A grunt pulled her out of her worries.
"Well, looks like your Lady is in good hands," Eraziror leaned back. "Or rather, they're in good hands because of her, don't you think?"— He cleared his throat — "Since we're simple Iron rankers and those guys were all silver, they've tasked us with the easy work: Kill the bastards crawling out the furthest western gate when the assault takes place on their front door. Well, if there is a gate still standing there anyways."
"I got a bad, bad feeling about this," Kanys adjusted her bow and sword. After she glanced at Madoka, she looked less confident. "A really bad feeling just now."
"Hm?" Eraziror noticed his partner's stare at the maid. "Come on, now. Our copper friend here is as powerful as the big guy, at least. Right? You saw her fight last night. At the very least, there shouldn't be too many left to scatter about from the main attack."
He knocked on Armor's chestplate and could not even produce a rattle. The Sovos pulled his hand away and was evidently hurt from hitting the giant. Madoka's eyes rolled. She knew she could defeat Armor with ease but if she got caught by him it would be difficult to escape his grasp. The maid did not know if he was a Narm or a Sovos to begin with but she did not ask to challenge him on either subject; a duel or his race meant nothing to her.
"It's time to head to the western gate," Eraziror ordered. Kanys nodded while both Madoka and Armor remained silent. The lack of their responses made him grumble as he trotted ahead. The maid heard him muttering to himself. "Well, aren't you all a talkative bunch?"
He paused for a reaction but recieved silence instead. Armor started to move into the woods so Madoka followed with the Sovos trailing behind. Other parties were close but soon branched off to wherever Luxgor told them to go. He truly was a powerful leader, she thought. To be able to direct smaller groups to enact a plan must take a lot of work and power.

The Maid and Her Princess [On Hiatus]
FantasyMadoka was brought to the Palace as a slave and a servant and she thought this was her lot in life. As long as her head was bowed to the right people, she would avoid trouble, right? As fate would have it, she was dead wrong. Her world was opened up...