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There is nothing better than sex after a race win.
Well not after they leave without saying a thing. Not even a note. It's one of those days again. I woke up around 8 and rushed to the factory. I'm late again but it doesn't matter. 'Also good morning to you,' albert says as I walk in. I sit down next to my teammate chris.
'Chris, you're free to go.' albert sits down at the front of the table. Christ stands up and lets out a deep sigh before he starts speaking. 'Okay, assuming you all know, I've been underperforming two last seasons, and I made the decision to retire from formula one by the end of the season'

My face drops in horror, and this can't be happening. I'm losing my best teammate I've ever had. I look at chris ', so who's gonna replace him?' I ask wesker. 'She'll arrive any minute,' she? No way I'm racing against a woman
'Ah, there she is.' wesker claps in his hands. Someone walks in, and then I see who it is. Chloe summers. 'Nice seeing you again.' chloe sits next to me. I look at her with a face of disgust.

'So chloe will be joining our team next season, we're very happy to have you with us' wesker smiles. At this moment, I want to rip that ugly ass smile from his face. Happy? Well, I'm not happy, god. I hate her so much.
'First Thank you so much for this opportunity albert it means so much to me to be the first woman to compete in a full formula one season second I wish chris all the best in his future' she says as she takes a box from her bag. 'I baked brownies for the whole team.' she hands the box to ethan our lead engineer.
'You could've spent the time you spent on those shit ass brownies in the gym, but no, you had to bake' I roll my eyes.
'Keep dreaming leom I only spend like an hour on these and I already worked out last night so'

i roll my eyes at her as i ignore her. i stand up and leave the room to go to the sim room. i sit in the car and do a few laps around silverstone. 6 months until we were racing there again. im not looking forward to it because of my almost fatal incident in my rookie season.  i sigh as i hear someone walking in. 'leon?' i hear chris say. 'Yeah?' 'chloe wants to talk to you' 'tell her im not intrested' 'too late' 

chloe walks in 'so hello teammate' she laughs in her way that makes me want to kill her more.  i dont reply to her. i get up and walk to the gym, i do my usual workout before i get home to rest. racing with the person i hate the most. hopefully its only for one season and not more so she can fuck off.  look i dont hate having woman in motorsport but she is on a diffrent level. 

the following races go by pretty quickly, i win the championship with krauser coming second. in an eye blink its time to say goodbye to chris. i hug him as tears fall onto his shoulder. 'goodbye brother' i say softly as i let go off the hug. i give him my helmet of this season togheter with a goodbye paper. i wave him goobye as he walks out of the building with his little suitcase. 

chloe stands next me, 'look i get that you dont like me but were teammates now thats a fact you need accept leon' and without a furhter word she walks away leaving me behind in the dust. i sigh one more time before i close the door and prepare for the next season. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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