Secret of the tomb

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Aida stared at the ghost before her.

- A student, you say?
- I was. - he replied. - How did you find this place?
- I was sent here by a house elf. He asked me to find an old ring which belonged to Apollonia Black. If you have it somewhere...
- I'm sorry, Miss... but I sold the ring long ago. I'm truly sorry...

Aida sighed in a slight frustration. Poor Scrope, he won't be pleased. Meanwhile Jackdaw continued his explanation.

- ... I thought a secret map I pilfered from Peeves would pique her interest, but I was wrong.
- What did you say? What map? - Aida stepped forward to him. - If you have it, may I have a look? Such a coincidence, I'm looking for something that is missing from a certain book.
- They're not here. Even though Apollonia wasn't interested, I took a look by myself, where did the map lead. Maybe to something that would intrigue her. So I followed the map, to what I can describe as an enchanted cave. And...
- And?
- I only remember a soft breeze, and I felt light-headed.
- So... you died in that cave.
- Precisely. If you're interested, I can show you. Come to the edge of the Forbidden Forest at nightfall.

She will be there. She bid farewell, then went back to Scrope. He waited for her, where they met earlier. Aida explained the situation that the ring was sold long ago, which made Scrope a bit disappointed, since he really wanted to surprise the Headmaster. After they parted ways, she could focus on her mission. There was still time before nightfall, and the sun hadn't set yet. She wandered around to find a perfect place for her daily ritual. She went up one of the towers to see the setting sun.

- Enjoying the view, Princess?

She turned with a frown expression.

- When did you follow me?
- I just wondered, where did you disappear after classes... Do you mind if I join?

Aida nodded, letting Sebastian stand next to her.

- May I ask, why are you here, Princess?
- First of all, I have a name, calling me "Princess" was already annoying at the first time! Second, it's just my daily ritual...
- Climbing towers?
- No, you moron... the sunset. - She snapped, but fell silent for a moment, seeing him backing away in surprise. - Sorry for the outburst...
- It's okay... so... back to the sunset...
- Since I was a child, I always watched it, never missing a single day.
- Why?
- No matter how awful each day was, there's always something beautiful in the end.

Sebastian slowly realized something in her words. By the word 'awful', he had a feeling, her childhood wasn't a pleasant one. Maybe her cold demeanor explains it all. Not to mention the faint scar across her nose. But he didn't want to press her about it. He will be patient with her then, and he hopes she will share her past one day. One day.

- You're right. It's really beautiful. And there was truth in your words. The Sun performs the same beautiful thing, before it disappears from the horizon, whether we had a good, or bad day.

Soon the Sun slowly disappeared & the night fell upon them, he turned to Aida.

- Shall we go back, before the prefects catch us?
- It's not curfew yet. You can go if you want, I have something to do before I go to sleep.
- Alright, uhm... I guess we'll meet tomorrow in case you'll come back later.

After coming down from the tower, Sebastian went to the common room, while Aida snuck out of the castle, meeting Jackdaw. On the way Aida realized she forgot to thank him about what happened in the library and not to turn her in. Well, there's still tomorrow, now she has something else to focus on.

Jackdaw waited for her near a cave.

- You're here. Good.
- I'm sorry if I made you wait. Where to now?
- I can lead you as far as I can, but I fear I may remain a tad reluctant to revisit the scene of my demise. - he replied.
- I can understand.
- Keep an eye on a birdbath, when you see it. And when you find it, say 'intra muros'.

In the shadow of emotions (Gonna REWRITE soon)Where stories live. Discover now