Broom Closet🍋

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Disclaimer: Everyone in this fanfiction is above the age of 16

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Disclaimer: Everyone in this fanfiction is above the age of 16.

When Hailey told you she wanted to snog in a broom closet, you didn't think she actually meant it. You were both just studying in the library when she stood up, stuffed her books into her bag, and whispered in your ear, "Wait two minutes, then follow me." She then exited the library with a subtle sway of her hips.

Two minutes later, you left the library and followed her to a broom closet. Once you entered, The-Girl-Who-Lived cast a silencing spell and an anti-pregnancy spell around the closet for privacy and protection. You noticed there were a couple of chairs and a table near the back.

She smirked, "Come here, baby." You both moved towards each other and met in the middle with a kiss. You could taste the strawberry lipstick she wore as your lips clashed. As the minutes passed by, one of your hands drifted up into her midnight hair, while the other drifted down towards her backside.

Your hands went underneath that short black, pleated skirt she loved to wear as you groped her ass. You took her cheeks in each hand as you squeezed and pinched them. You pulled back to stare into her sparkling, emerald green eyes as you brought your hands around the back of her bare thighs and lifted her onto the table in the closet.

Once you had her on the table, you grabbed one of the chairs and sat on it, now eye level with her knees. You moved in to kiss her once more, with your hands oce more sliding up and down her upper thighs teasing her as your hands slipped under her short black skirt. She always wore it when she wanted to tease you.

As your hands disappeared under her skirt, they went north towards her hips as you removed her black thong. Once you pulled it down her thighs and her legs, you noticed how wet her panties were.

You asked, " You sure, you have the right to back out." She gave a shy smile and said," I am absolutely sure, you haven't tried to take advantage of me and have been respectful of me."

Gathering her Gryffindor courage, she opened her legs. She said, " Hermione helped me find a spell that shaves your bits, so..." You looked down to see her legs open for you, her vagina glistening as her short skirt rode up her thighs. "I think you know what to do." You moved your head down to her lower lips as you gave an experimental lick. She let out a moan, letting you know she needed you.

"Fuck." A subtle moan comes out of Hailey's mouth, you push your tongue further in the depths of her pussy, tasting the most intimate part of her body, as you watch her squirm. You ate her out like it was your last meal on earth, licking in aimless directions, thoroughly exploring her pussy walls.

As your mouth pleasured her, your hands went to her chest and started unbuttoning her shirt, revealing she was not wearing a bra. You started to play and cup her small boobs in your hands. You decided to start playing with her sensitive nipples by carefully pulling on them. All these actions combined drew a series of adorable moans out of the green eyed girl.

Taking a break from her hole, you stood up and gave her a quick peck on her lips, letting her taste her juices. You went to eye level of her nipples as you took one in your mouth. You swirled your tongue teasingly around her sensitive nipple, driving her out of her mind. You teased her nipples one more time by nibbling playfully before returning to her pussy. If you wanted you could eat her pussy all day, savoring the sweet delicacy, but Hailey was getting impatient.

She ran her hands through your H/C hair as she wrapped her legs around your shoulders. "Fuck, Y/N, please don't stop!" As you continued, she got wetter.
"Please Y/N, fuck me."

You stand up and step back from her and unbutton your pants as your hard on bounced out. She stared down at it, licking her lips. You stepped closer and lined the tip up with her entrance as you entered her. As you entered her, she raised her head to kiss you as got used to being inside her.

Your hands on autopilot went to her hips as you slowly jackhammered in and out of Hailey. You continued to fuck her at a steady pace as one of your hands drifted upwards to play with her breasts.

She said breathlessly, "Wait, you pleasured me. It's your turn to be pleasured." You slid out of her to lie down on the table. Hailey stood up and straddled your lap and re alligned your tip up with her entrance as she started to ride you.

As she rode up and down your pole, you teased, " Imagine if the school could see this. The famous Hailey Potter riding a guy."

She responded, "They're not allowed to see this. I'm for your eyes only, baby!" she said winking down at you. As she continues to ride you, you reached a hand up to her jiggling, bouncing boobs. As you toyed and played with her nipple, she continued to ride with more vigor.

Your left hand drifted down to her center and you started to play with her clit. "Ah, don't... don't stop. Please.. don't....Ahh!!!" And with that, you both came undone at the same time. Your semen sprayed and painted her walls white.

Hailey crawled off your hard on and cast a spell on you and her to clean yourselves up. You helped her clean up and straighten her clothes. You both left the closet with your hand resting on her ass under her short, black, pleated skirt as you both walked back to the Gryffindor common room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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