The Night I Faintly Saw You

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Toms Pov

Almost 2 and a half years since You've been missing madison. I Think about you Everyday. So much that me and the guys had to move away Into Tokyo just not to see the missing posters everywhere we went. The boys noticed I was thinking of you againand decided it would be best if we went out. To pick a girl we would sleep with for the night. I didn't want to. As much as you might of Hated me. I fucking Loved you Madison. I don't think i can ever get over you.

"TOM! ARE YOU READY?" Bill shouts from the other end of the corridor coming my way. I hum in response not wanting to go. Bill sits next to me. "Tom she's dead. You have to move on. There are plenty of girls who are just like her. So please don't be arsey all night." I stand up and head towards the stairs. Bill sighs and follows after me. I hop in the back of the car with bill next to me and Gustav and georg in the front. Georg doesn't really want to drink tonight so that's why he's driving. We Pulled into the dark car park there was a speaker at front "Hello and welcome to the Rungolio Club to get in please scan your card against the scanner below." bill passes georg the card and he scans it. "Thank you and enjoy." the speaker spoke as the gates opened. There it was the door to hell. I sighed at the sight of It. I did not wanna get drunk and have girls grinding up on me. I got out of the car and headed to the big body guard Infront of us. "Clan? And clan password?" Bill clears his throat.
"Serpants." The body guard starts flicking threw his book of clans. "s s s
Ah Serpants. Ok password?" Bill sighs
"SlitherySnakes89" He says. The body guard opens the door and we walk in.
The sight of People Making out, barley dressed girls, horny men and a strong smell of achohol stroke us, the old me would be so fucking happy to be here. Dancing around with madison and getting absolutely wasted with Bill, throwing empty shot glasses at georg and chugging down strange drinks that some chicks ordered me and Gustav. But things were different now. One of us weren't here. Possibly be dead or on the verge of dying and the thought of me not being able to help you kills me. So many girls In this Club and not one of them was like you. Madison had the most darkest brown eyes. Long, slightly wavy, brown hair, your cute button nose with that nose stud on the right. Your birth mark on your shoulder. Your scars on your arm. Your curves. Your soft, pink lips, your natural long lashes. No girl could beat that or your great personality.

The guys went of with other girls. I had like 5 drinks and I was starting to feel abit tipsy. But that's when I saw you. Dancing in that tight blue dress. The other one you wore to my uncles wedding. And your hair was straighted you were right infront of me. I noticed tattoos on you. The things you said you'd never get. "Ravens" on your collarbone. And a small raven behind your ear. That's when I stood up and walked up to you.

"Madison?" I say. She turns to look at me. She checks me out and then that smirk appeared on her face. "H-how are you still alive?" she laughed and walked off. I Followed her Into the crowd. She wonders into the girls restroom. I didn't think I just barged In and there it was. The necklace I gave her for her 14th birthday. It says my name. "Tom" on the floor along with her old cellphone. I pick them up and head to my booth. The window was open in there and there was no one in the stalls so It was obvious she jumped. Why? I have no fucking idea.

The sight of you it changed me. It ached to see you laugh at the fact I thought you were dead. When I looked at you. I didn't see the madison I grew up with. I saw nothing. As I plopped down back into the booth. I couldn't help but let a few tears flow. Seeing my so called best friend laughing at me. It really fucking hurt. You always liked mysterys. But I didn't think you'd convince everyone that your dead. And just leave.
                         Time skip

I decided to stop thinking of you and get over you. I put your necklace and phone in a box in my closet to never see them again. As much as I wanted to. I couldn't throw them away. I decided to hit up some of old "sluts" and spend the night with them to get my mind of you. And thank fuck. It worked. For awhile. I asked out the new girl and she said yeah. It still feels wrong. She's lovely but she's not you.


"TOM!!!" I hear my twin brother shout from the other side of my bedroom door.
"come in."  I respond. He storms in and he has that angry look on his face.
"what." I say not even bothering to look at him. "if you and tash are gonna fuck. Can you please be fucking quiet."
I sighed looking at the naked girl in my bed covered in my bed sheets. "Bill it still feels wrong." I admit still not looking my twin brother in the eye. He sighs plopping down on my bed next to me. "Tom it's only been 3 months of course it will your not use to someone other than madis-" I cover his mouth to stop him from mentioning that name. I won't get over her if he keeps mentioning that name. "don't say it." I say removing my hand from his mouth. "sorry.." he says. Natasha groans as she slowly wakes up. Bill taps me in the shoulder twice. "I'll leave yous to it." he says shutting the big black door behind him. "Natasha i-" she sits up in shock as she's taken by the fact I called Her Natasha not tash. "Tom what the fuck? Did I do something wrong?" I sigh again. "no. Its just like tomorrow its a really important day and me and the guys need to plan for it." she sighs in relief. She nods and slips out of bed reveling her bare naked body. I turned my head not watching her get changed. She sits down on the bed next to me. She kisses my cheek. " I love you tom." she says I turned my head to face her. "me too." i say giving her a kiss before she leaves she smiles and grabs her bag and leaves my room. That's when I remembered the important day tomorrow is Madisons anaversary. Already 3 years. But she's alive. She's out there. And she doesn't care about anyone but her self.

So why the fuck do I still care about her?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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𝑯𝒊𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝐼 ~𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐤𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜 Where stories live. Discover now