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I felt so disgusted by myself. I was about to cry, but I couldn't do that, not in front of Ari. When we ate the pizza, I told to Minho:

"Can you put her in a bed today? I'm really exhausted." I said at the wedge of crying.

"Yeah, of course." Minho said.

I put a little smile on my face for Ari, but then I went to the bathroom. I was about to shower. I looked in the mirror. I felt so guilty for eating so much. It made me so sick and I felt like throwing up. I started crying, I couldn't stop. I reached for the top of the mirror. There was a blade. I put it there so Ari couldn't reach that. I looked at myself, tears still streaming down my face. Then I took the blade and started creating new cuts. When I was satisfied and I felt better, I stopped. I then went to the shower. It was painful and it burned really bad, but that made me feel better. I felt like I deserved it.

I then went to my room and put some hoodie and shorts on myself. I then went downstairs. Minho told me Ari is asleep. I nodded and went to check on her.
I looked into her room and saw her sleeping peacefully. I then went back to Minho.

"How do you feel?" Minho asked me

"Terrible." I sighed as I was laying on the couch.

"Are you tired?" Minho asked me

I just nodded.

"Then go to sleep." Minho told me

I nodded and I was about to get up, when Minho took my wrist and he pulled me back. I fell on his lap. I was shocked and I let out a gasp.

"Where are you going?" he asked me

" sleep..?" I said, my voice trembling

"exactly, then why are you leaving?" he asked me

"w-what do you mean?" I asked, the butterflies destroying my stomach

I looked at Minho and he looked at me. Our faces were so close. his hand was still on my wrist and the second on the side of my waist. my hand was on his other thigh. I put it there when I was falling. No one moved, we were just staring into each others eyes. I could get lost in them. I was mesmerized by them. They looked so sincere, yet broken at the same time.
Normally, I would already be up and started panicking, but I felt like I could stare at him forever.

Our faces were slowly getting closer. Minho slowly put his hand all around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I wasn't complaining. His second hand left my wrist and he put it on my cheek.
Our lips almost met, but then, I heard someone opening the door. I quickly jumped from minhos lap.

"Oppa, I'm thirsty." Ari said tiredly as she went down the stairs

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