summer time pt22 0.2%

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i did a soft deathdrop and then a dive roll and a split i den banged and i was done

i didnt do my best but i will save it for the battle

"that was good,not good enough though" Tommy said and my heart shattered

"we have 4 parties today,go get ready everyone"Tommy announced

i had been practicing my clown makeup over the week so i should know how to do it, I thought to myself

as i was finishing up my clowning makeup,someone tapped me

"hi i'm jayah,and you must be taraji?" some girl said coming up to me

"yep! nice to meet you i was wondering-" i got cut off by kimora coming by jayah and saying something to jayah

"jkdtl" kimora said to jayah glaring at me

it looked like jayah panicked a bit and ran somewhere

oh well, i wondered what dey was talking about

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