~ Chapter 3 ~

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'Cinderheart?! What are you even doing down here?! Nevermind- Let's get you healed up as soon as possible!' Hollyleaf exclaimed. Sensing the grey cat laid down in front of her in pain reminded her of Ashfur.

'Ashfur. Now is not the time.' She thought.

Luckily, after a few prods the grey she-cat got up and Hollyleaf lowered herself so Cinderheart could lean on her shoulder as they walked. Although it came to Hollyleaf that she knew where she was now, a new sense of confusion invaded her mind.

Why is Cinderheart down here? How did she sneak out? Did something happen? Was this on accident or on purpose? Is she okay?

Prodding slowly through the enveloping darkness, Hollyleaf carefully placed one paw in front of the other, her whiskers twitching as she gauged the distance between each step. The air in the tunnel was thick with the earthy scent of damp stone, a scent she'd come to know well during her time in the hidden depths.

Soft, almost rhythmic, drips echoed in the cavern, their sounds reverberating off the tunnel walls like whispers of the underground world. Water trickled from unseen crevices in the ceiling, forming small puddles that mirrored the starry reflections of the cave's unique mosses.

As they ventured deeper into the tunnel, a subtle shift in the atmosphere signaled a change. The claustrophobic confines of the narrow passage gradually gave way to a more open expanse. An ethereal, dim light began to filter in from an unknown source, casting eerie, elongated shadows across the uneven cave floor.

In the distance, Hollyleaf could make out the silhouette of her resting spot—an alcove nestled in the heart of the tunnel. There, the glow of the mosses intensified, bathing the area in an otherworldly radiance. The makeshift nest, composed of dried leaves and moss, lay invitingly before her, a sanctuary amidst the underground labyrinth.

With utmost care and tenderness, Hollyleaf lowered the weary grey she-cat onto the mossy bedding, ensuring she was as comfortable as possible in their refuge.

'Here Cinderheart, you just lay down there and rest all you can,' she gently let Cinderheart rest in her nest and nuzzled her to make her feel comfortable. 

Hollyleaf turned around and saw some comfrey for her injury, some poppy seeds and freshly soaked moss. Relief hit her like a cold lake on a hot greenleaf day. An orange and white glittery tail turned round the corner. 

'Thank you, so so much, Fallen Leaves,' Hollyleaf purred a thanks in her head.

A silence was broken and Hollyleaf slightly jumped when the injured cat murmured, 'Hollyleaf... I'm so sorry,' her meow broke. The black cat's heart felt sad for her and she went to go sit beside her. They had been best friends in the Clan for a very long time. Ever since they had been kits trotting and tumbling in the nursery, they always had a close connection and have been sticking up for each other every pawstep of the way.

'Here,' Hollyleaf got up and fetched the comfrey over to her for Cinderheart's wounds. 'These should help you, I think.'

'They're perfect, they're just what I need. Oh Hollyleaf, thank you so much.' Cinderheart looked at Hollyleaf, her blue soft blue eyes gazing in sorrow. She chewed the roots and leaves into a pulp and Hollyleaf saw her eyes widen with such familiarity and surprise from the taste of the leaves. Why was she so surprised? It's only comfrey leaves. 

Hollyleaf shrugged that thought off. All that mattered was Cinderheart's comfort in her refuge. She looked pretty comfortable, so Hollyleaf had decided to make another makeshift nest of her own. As she padded through the echoey walls and got some dry moss and bedding, she heard a sad meow. 

~ stuck in the tunnels ~ holly x cinder auWhere stories live. Discover now