Side Story #1

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Mika and Emilia sat in their cozy apartment in Neonexus, surrounded by the dim glow of holographic screens and the subtle hum of neon signs outside. Emilia had taken a break from her hacking endeavors, and Mika had put aside her latest invention in favor of a more wholesome pursuit baking.

Mika: (with a mischievous grin) Emilia, guess what I'm in the mood for today?

Emilia: (raising an eyebrow) Hacking into another secure database?

Mika: (laughing) Nope, something even more devious  chocolate chip cookies!

Emilia: (smirking) Well, you're the tech wizard in this partnership, and I'm the hacker. But sure, I can be your trusty assistant in the kitchen.

Mika: (gathering ingredients) Excellent! Now, we'll need the basics: flour, sugar, eggs, and, of course, the chocolate chips.

As they gathered the ingredients, Mika couldn't help but notice Emilia's hacking gloves on the table.

Mika: (curious) Emilia, are you sure it's safe to have your hacking gear so close to our baking supplies?

Emilia: (grinning) Don't worry, Mika. My hacking gloves are clean, I promise.

They mixed the ingredients with precision and care, blending the flour, sugar, eggs, and chocolate chips into a delectable dough.

Emilia: (smelling the dough) Mmm, that smells amazing already.

Mika: (nodding) Baking is like a digital art form, you know. Precision, attention to detail, and a dash of creativity.

Emilia: (playfully) So, is this your secret to being a tech genius? Baking inspiration?

Mika: (laughing) Maybe! But don't tell anyone my secret. It's not very hacker-like.

Emilia: (forming cookie dough balls) Your secret's safe with me, Master Baker.

They placed the dough balls onto a baking sheet and slid them into the holographic oven.

Mika: (with a satisfied smile) And now, we wait.

As the cookies baked, filling the apartment with the irresistible scent of freshly baked sweets, Emilia and Mika settled in to savor their creation.

Emilia: (taking a bite) Mika, these cookies are amazing. Maybe you should consider a career change to baking.

Mika: (grinning) Oh, I have my hands full with tech and inventions, but baking will always be my secret passion.

Emilia: (leaning back, cookie in hand) Well, I'm glad you shared it with me. There's more to life than hacking and digital adventures, after all.

Mika: (content) You're right, Emilia. Sometimes, the simple pleasures, like baking cookies with a friend, are the best ones.

As they enjoyed their freshly baked cookies, Emilia and Mika found solace and camaraderie in the warmth of their shared experience.

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