Oh!!! Percy

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As Percy lay practically immobile on the infirmary bed for Will Solace to check on him there were millions of thoughts bombarding his mind. He was blaming himself for not realizing about Leo's plan and for almost fulfilling Gaia's wish by letting his blood spill on the sacred ground. His mind was a mess, going all over the place at a time thinking of various alternatives that could have happened. As he lay on the makeshift mattress he could see the stars and make out few of the constellations that Annabeth taught him, one of those stood out predominantly, one which he knew all too well "The Huntress" Zoe's constellation. And for the umpteenth time that day he blamed himself for not getting Bob and Damsen out of that place and staying there by himself.

Something else that he was bothered about was that Annabeth was distancing herself from him. She was avoiding him as much as possible after that certain incident in the depths of Tartarus. He new very well before itself that their relationship would never be smooth but had never imagined her to feel extremely scared and intimidated by him that she could not look into her eyes. but there was something else behind it he new it and was just scared about what it was.

As all these thoughts started swirling in Percy's mind his body was not accepting it and the exhausted demigod's body finally trailed of to sleep induced by the exhaustion and mental, physical and emotional trauma caused over the years.
He looked so fragile, broken and vulnerable that he was not much different than the Percy in his dream or rather memories. These were not the typical demigod- dreams-are-real dreams, instead these where much worse, these were the best memories of childhood (most of the times) but not exactly because they were filled with days at the park or somewhere special with his family, friends and such, but because it was the day when the abuse and bullying was to the minimal.

The days in Tartarus were hard for him and Annabeth, but he had tried to keep her safe, she meant a lot to him as she was maybe the first friend he ever had apart from Grover. They had brought back the memories and thoughts he had about the time he spent away from camp, the memories he had with great effort pushed to the back of his mind.

As Percy slept that day after about a week he was so exhausted that even though he got the worst nightmares, that day he didn't wake like the other days but just shed some tears unknown to himself. But little did he know that he was not alone and whoever was with him would try and get the boy to a better stage, to make the boy for once in his life happier.

Oh!!! if only they could .

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