𝐢𝐯. even the nights are lonelier

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"i'm straight off the moment but I still come back like that

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"i'm straight off the moment but I
still come back like that."

THE DEPARTURE OF JAMIE TARTT FROM AFC RICHMOND left a noticeable void that everyone could feel. However, it was Katie Lasso who appeared to be most affected by his absence. The enthusiasm she once dedicated to her media work seemed to diminish, resulting in her becoming more withdrawn and subdued.

Ted Lasso, with his keen awareness of others' emotions, observed the change in Katie's behavior. One day, he discovered her sitting alone in the team's lounge area, lost in thought. As he approached her, concern was evident on his face. "Katie, something has been bothering you lately, hasn't it?"

Katie hesitated for a moment as she carried the weight of her unexpressed emotions within her heart. "It's just... well, there is something on my mind but I'm unsure how to handle it."

Ted sat down beside her; his presence provided a sense of comfort and stability. "You know you can talk to me about anything without hesitation?"

Grateful for Ted's understanding of nature, Katie nodded appreciatively. "There's someone who I cared a lot about who is no longer here and it's been taking a toll on me. It's kinda hard to think about anything else."

Ted's smile was gentle as he offered his advice. "In tough situations, it can be helpful to redirect your focus towards something that brings you joy. Take a step back, reassess your priorities, and find solace in the things that make you happy."

Katie pondered Ted's words, her mind whirring with thoughts. Expressing her gratitude, she bid him farewell and left the lounge deep in contemplation.

The following day found Katie seated at a cafe, mulling over Ted's advice while sipping her coffee. To her surprise, she spotted Rebecca Welton entering the establishment - the owner of the club where she often spent her time. Intrigued by the notion of diverting her attention from recent events, Katie approached Rebecca and politely asked if she could join her.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆, jamie tarttWhere stories live. Discover now