Chapter Five

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"Georg!" I heard someone call my name. Tom was calling my name. "Alright, I'm coming!" I shouted as I ran to our car outside. Tom and I are going to a club, and Ana agreed to it. She's staying at our Hotel where Gustav was. I trust them together. Tom drove me to the club. Me and Ana had a little fun before I had to go, (😏) but I don't know why because she asked for it. It was pretty strange of her since I'm the one that's always asking, but I won't think about it that much.

We arrived at the club, and me and Tom went in. It was fun, and I'm just watching Tom buy a drink for this ginger girl. Hm. I decided to walk into the bathroom.


Alaine. Why the fuck is she host? I never I agreed to this. "Hello guys, I will be your host!" She said, looking at the guys then grinning at me. Ugh. I looked over at Georg. Wonder what that could be. I looked over at Tom who looked tired, probably cause of last night. I figured out that Tom And Georg went to the club together last night, so no wonder they looked drained out. "So!" Alaine said into the microphone. God that hurt my ears. Cameras were at us.

The interview started with Alaine introducing us, the asked us some questions the public wanted to ask. But then Alaine looked at me. Oh god. Is she about to say what I'm thinking right now? "So, Bill, are you dating anyone?" She asked me, handing her microphone to me. Uh. "Um... no, but I have someone in mind," I said, fidgeting my hands. All the members suddenly looked at me now. Georg And Gustav are giving me that "What the fuck you never told me this" look. Tom smirked at me, probably because he knows. Alaine grinned at me, god she's so annoying, it's not about her.

"And who's this girl?" She said, a slight tone of seduction in her voice. I feel like I wanna die. "Not you," I laughed nervously, the guys now looking at me more intensely. I saw her face expression changed. "Haha, now give us the name," she said, staring at me a bit fiercely. What the fuck did I do? Sorry I'm not into you.

"Well, I don't want to say her name, but i did build up some love for her," I said, looking down below the camera. The interview was awkward after that. All the guys were now looking at me strangely, (expect Tom, who obviously knows). The interview ended with Alaine saying "bye luvs!" And the camera turned off. Everybody was relieved especially me, and now Georg And Gustav were all up on me.

"Bill why the fuck didn't you tell us before?" Gustav said, looking at me. "Bro you stink," Georg joked and pinched me. "I knew," Tom said, sipping on his Red Bull. Georg shit him a playful look.

"Oh yea where did Tom go after the club?" I asked, changing the subject. "Well..." Georg said, looking at Tom And Gustav.


Fuckkkkk. This is so boring. I'm with Georg right now at the bar in the club. Man. I didn't feel like shooting my shit on anyone tonight, I'm just tired.

Georg looked at me. "Man I wish Ana was here, then we could've dance together," he whined. I hit his arm. "Man I wish i have a girl too," I said, pulling out my cigarette. Don't ask me how, but it was a coincidence or something because there came in a beautiful girl with ginger hair and a black tank top, and lord I can not take my eyes of her.

I wanted to make a move, but I'm not sure if it's a smart one. I think she noticed me staring at her because she turned back and looked at me.

Our eyes are now looking at each other... lord I wanna fuck her so bad. Her ginger hair that's literally glowing is not helping.

Georg seemed to notice. "Go ask that pretty lady out" he whispered and chuckled to me.

"Sure, bet," I said, smirking as I walked up to her. She noticed me and looked at me. "Hey," she said. "Hey," I said nervously, as I looked at her. "Mind if I buy you a drink?" I smiled at her.

She nodded at me and let me sit next to her. "So... what's your name?" I looked at her, again. "Edith Elsher," she said, looking at her hands. "Pretty, my name is Tom Kaulitz, from Tokio Hotel" i said while ordering her drink. "Oh, I listen to you guys, I knew you were Tom Kaulitz," she smiled at me. So cute.

"Here's your drink, my lady," I winked at her, and she laughed. "Your pretty cute," she laughed. "Thanks, your gorgeous," i complimented her back. We went silent for a minute. Pretty awkward. "So.... What's next?" She joked. Damn. She's one teaser because I wanna kiss those lips so badly.

"Well..." I said, staring at her. Those eyes. I think im in love. She grinned as we got closer, we only known each other for a few minutes and we're already about to kiss, but im not complaining. I'm staring at her lips now.

I reached in for her and I gently kissed her, her soft lips felt so good, I just want to keep kissing her forever. Her hand reaches my back, and my hand reaches her neck. We're already making out. She tastes so good that I just want more. And more. I kept reaching for more until we paused, out of breath.

"Want to take this to your car?" She said, putting her arms around me. She knows what I want. She didn't have to say no more. I picked her up by surprise and carried her to my car. I don't know where Georg went but i don't care. I just want one night with her.

She plopped down the backseat and I climbed up to her. Reaching for more. My hand slowly went up her body and she went up for my back. I wanted to take this farther. She took my shirt off and I took hers off. Holy shit she's so hot. I kissed her again and my hands went down her hair. Her soft hair. Right now it was just me and her, and I'm about to do more things to her un
Expected. I can't wait to see her reaction and those cute noises. I reached down to her neck and kissed it, all around. This is where the real fun starts.


"YOU FUCKED A GIRL?" I said a bit surprised even though I shouldn't be, but like WHAT. Tom looked flustered. "Wants her name?" I said, all up in his face. "Edith, ok, now get away," he laughed. I smiled. Tom, Tom. "Also were where you last night Georg?" Tom asked,  looking at him. "Texting my girlfriend, in the bathroom," he grinned. Ugh I feel so single now that the band members are talking about their girl, expect Gustav, he's in his own world. We went home to our hotel, and before we did Alaine tried to hit on me. I'm trying to be as nice as I can too her. She's on my last nerve. But Angelina... why am I even thinking of her?

I don't know I should stop.

Authors note💋: IM SORRY I HAVENT BEEN UPDATING 😭😭 I've been busy with school and stuff. Also gimme tips on how to do a smut scene cause😥😔 and um this is a very shitty and short chapter Im sorry luvs😭 hope y'all have a nice day💋🫶

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