High School

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He's using you

Mentally abusing you

Now its you I might lose

Your still my muse

The way you dance with passion

And dressed simply yet in fashion

Your broken cause' a high school

Hurt cause kids think its cool

To be cruel

This is nothing but nightmare fuel

They say its a learning tool

More like a torture device

Please take my advice

You are strong

I know you don't think you can hold out for long

But I've been through it too

Some never make through

Teachers say let it be

Can't they see

Is this the way you want your little girl to grow up

Crying in the bedroom

Cutting in the bathroom

Cause a silly little boy

Treated her like a toy

She loves you

And you broke her in two

She died right in front of you

But you still don't have a clue

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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