A Quiet Devil

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Duke Damocles, the sole holder of that title, occupied a position akin to the leader of Sylphrena's nobility. He wielded influence and power that rivaled some of the most prominent figures in the kingdom, standing shoulder to shoulder with the pope and the leaders of an organization known as the Explorers — a brave group that dared to venture into the ominous Forest of Nightmare, a place encircling all the kingdoms and shrouded in tales of horror. Within its depths, numerous monstrous, creatures and beasts were said to dwell, giving rise to countless songs, plays, and stories that told of this enigmatic and terrifying realm.

The duke's authority loomed large, but Rina had little insight into his true goals, nor did she particularly desire to uncover them. The aura he exuded was indomitable, commanding the respect and space of those around him as if an invisible dome surrounded the man. Rina's deep obsidian eyes were irresistibly drawn to the palpable force of his presence.

His attire was both formal and opulent. He had chosen a black tailcoat that billowed behind him like the wings of a bat, paired with a crisp white shirt and a white bowtie peeking out from behind a tightly cinched waistcoat.
The trousers and tailcoat matched in the purest shade of black, absorbing light rather than reflecting it. Rina couldn't help but notice the silver cufflinks on his wrist, crafted in the likeness of a predatory animal's eye — the emblem of his house.

Despite his authority, influence, and wealth, there remained a single element that would have elevated his status to its zenith: royal power. Duke Damocles was a noble, a descendant of Sylphrena's fourth ruler, Rina's great-great-grandmother. She had boldly defied royal law by bearing more than one child.

The siblings of the fifth king, driven by frustration and resentment over their circumstances, bestowed upon themselves the title of "noble."
This newfound distinction elevated them from the ranks of commoners, though it fell short of the resplendent status of true royalty. From that point forward, tensions flared between the royal house and the nobility, sparking conflicts that extended to involve various other influential factions.

Politics are truly horrifying; I would rather walk into that forest than listen to another ramble of Diana.

The corners of Rina's lips threatened to twitch as she mused silently, her thoughts briefly drifting to her royal tutor, Diana, who possessed an insatiable passion for political intricacies.

Diana had instilled within Rina a comprehensive understanding of her kingdom's history, including the most significant dates and events spanning the past millennium since the kingdom's founding. Thus, the origins and ambitions of the nobles were nothing new to her; it was their clandestine machinations that remained veiled in shadows.

As Duke Damocles clasped Rina's delicate hand, she couldn't help but draw a stark comparison between the warmth and boundless affection she felt from her father's touch and the cold, almost lifeless sensation emanating from Damocles.

The duke straightened his tall, slender frame, towering over the princess. He presented an image of elegant austerity, though what lay beneath his luxurious silk attire remained an enigma. His raven-black hair, neatly trimmed, bore silvery-gray streaks at the sides, hinting at the passage of time and adding an air of distinguished maturity.

While Rina could only speculate about Damocles' exact age, what she knew for certain was that his face defied categorization. His countenance held a frigid detachment, reminiscent of winter's snow gradually accumulating on the frozen ground.

Rina understood the need to conceal one's emotions beneath a mask of indifference, but it left her wondering how many layers of secrecy lay beneath his pallid skin. This sense of otherworldliness deepened as he advanced towards her, locking their gazes in an unyielding hold.

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