Nothing appears how it seems

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------Hi there this is my first story on Watpad so I hope you enjoy I would love comments!!-----


"Momma, Momma!!!" I yell out running inside the house towards mom, gripping her skirt as she wraps her arms solftly around me.
"What's wrong Shakairi?" She says in her motherly voice that always seems to calm me.
I say in a grumpy voice "The boys at playground are picking on me again."
"You shouldn't let them get to you." She says lightly booking my nose.
"I know it's just...ugh!" Exhaustively throughing my arms down.
"Hmm I guess its time to tell you." Looking away mischievously.
"What, what?!" I jump in the exiciment. "The super duper top secret for girls only. When a boy is picking on a girl its there way of showing you they like you."
I feel let down I thought that that was gonna be good. At least I have dirt on Shoya.

Shuya is my very best friend since I was little. Yet he makes fun of me

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. "Shakairi c'mon we were just kidding come play with us!" *sigh* "I guess I have to go see ya mom. Be back before dinner love ya bye!"
"Bye honey be careful!" I run out the door.

I follow up behind Shuya. "Shuya wait up! Do you want to know a secret my mom told me!" He stops and looks at me. "Yeah lay it on me." I catch up taking a deep breathe. "Nope." Walking pass him. He follows up, I could tell he was mad he hates not knowing things. "Well, why not." I turn diabolical. "Are you a girl?" He looks away. "No." I quietly replied back. "That's why not." I love teasing him its so much fun.


We got to the park I see all the boys pilled up trying to get to the ball. "You guys started with out us! C'mon!" Yelling out to them.
I turn my head, and I notice a swing I had never seen before. On the swing was a younger looking boy all alone. His hair a deep red, his eyes sadness, and sorrow. But his eyes were so pretty, this blue I had never seen before. All I could do was stare into those blue eyes.

"Shakairi when your done day dreaming you'll start us off!" I feel a nudge on my foot. "Oh, sorry guys!" I kick off the ball. Thought the game all I could do was think about him. Once the game was over, I desired to see what was up with him. "Hey you alright you were off the entire game. If you want I'll walk you home." I look at Shuya. "No I'm fine, I'll walk home alone I had to do something." As I look at the boy. Then Shoya turned his head. "Do not tell me it involves that freak." His tone changes. "So what if it does." I turn my head towards him. "So it does. Fine do what you want but don't say I didn't warn you." With anger in his voice he walks off.
"Fine I will." I wonder what Shuya had against the boy and why did he call him a freak?

I walk up to the boy with the sad eyes. "Hi." I say in perky voice. Geez he's not even looking at me. I wait a while longer. "Hey is something wrong." Looking into his eyes. Its almost like he's not even there. There was something I couldn't pin down.
Suddenly his eyes move staring at me I flinch. "Hello my name is Shakairi, yours?"
I stick out my hand. No reply and he left me hanging. I lay my hand down. "Gaara... Of the sand." This soft voice appears before me. "Well Gaara how old are you."
He look s up with confusion. "Why are you here, why are you talking to me?" Anger was about to rage is his voice. Is he like to good for me well that's rood WE JUST MET!
I start to get hot headed.
"Hasn't anyone told you about me, the freak, monster?" I look at him his emotion drops.
"Why would anyone say that..."

Flash back
"Do not tell me it involves that freak of nature."

People actually think that of not just in his head but out loud
I feum up with sadness. This was the kind of stuff my dad died for its wrong unbelievablely wrong. I walk closer towards him I hold out my arms and gentle wrapped them around him. "Gaara."


"Gaara.'' She said softly and wrapped her arms around me softly. She's so warm.
My heart starts to ache but with a different pain I can't hold back.
It hurts, it hurts so much, but I don't want her to let go. My heart started to fill up like it does when I'm sad. Then it over flowed. My eyes watered up. What is she doing to me? Why do I feel like this?


I gently let go. "Huh?!?" His eyes were feeled with tears. "I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." I look in to his eyes again. Then I look at the sky. "Oh shoot I've got to go sorry again." I start to walk of to pick up momentum, but something grabs me and holds me back. "Huh?" I look back its Gaara. "Please don't go, I don't want to be alone, please." He whispers. "Here how about this? Well me here tomarrow Kay?" I say holding out my pinky. "Mmhmm." Wyping away his last tear. I'm still holding my hand out. I'm guessing he doesnt know what a pinky promise is. I put my hand back down and ran off
"See ya tomorrow bye!" Turning around. "To answer your question I'm Nine!" His voice still so quite. WAIT HE OLDER THAN ME! BUT HE LOOKS YOUNNNG!!!! But still he's nothing like a freak Shuya if you would only get to know him.


Thank you Shakairi. I'd better get back to Yashamaru.

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