Blue + Red = Purple

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That monster is here, but I haven't seen Shakairi this morning. Her and her mom usually come to see my mom in the mornings, he probably killed her or ate her soul or something horrible. I just don't get it why did she want to meet him did her mom never tell her any thing. I don't know all I know is I hate that freak he stole her from me.
I look a head and I notice the ball coming straight for me. So I kicked it as hard as I could in his direction. "Heh." I turn as I turn around. "Shuya watch out!"
All the guys were screaming I turn around. The ball hitting me square in the face sending me to the ground. My rage over powers me. "That does it! I've had just about enough you monster!" Looking at him in those freakish eyes I could he didn't like being call that. "What's wrong you can't handle the true well everyone knows it,
and its about time you do too. You are a Mons..." I was quickly interrupted.
"Shuya stop it!" It was. "Shakairi." I said. "Oh you came in time I was just about to tell that freak how I feel, how we all feel." I say with a smirk. "Shuya what has gotten into you why are you..." I spoke up. "I'm sick and tire of that... That monster!"
As I point at him, while is looks down pittying himself. "What monster the only monster I see here is you, and I'm getting pretty sick and tired of him too."
I walk passed her. "C'mon guys let's leave." I need to cool down so I'm gonna go home o can't believe she chose him over her best friend we've been friends since I could remember. I guess everything comes to an end at some point.
I turn to see Shakairi but I couldn't see her over the guys following me.


I walk towards Gaara looking at him staring at the ground. "How are you I'm so sorry I was late I was..." He speaks up.
"I'm sorry." He looks up at me. "For what." I added. "You lost your friends...
Because of me." He looks back down.
"No we're fine Shuya isn't the type to hold grudges." I say to reassure him. "No, that's not it your going through so much because of me." He looks at me with a face of worry. I don't know what to say... "Here next to me." I sit on the ground and guestered him next to me. I layed back looked at the sky then turned and looked at
Gaara with confused look on his face. "Hey do you know what heaven is?
Some people say that's where good people go when they die.
My dad died, and I think he's up there 'cause he was a good man.
Gaara turned his head and looked at me.
"Shakairi how did he die?" I look back up to the sky. "He killed himself,
For what people do to you, they called him a monster." He looks at me deeper.
"We had to move from the shame but after time it doesn't hurt
but if someone was by my dad's side he would have been stronger
but after my family left him he..." Gaara stuck his finger on my face wyping a tear away. "Look a butterfly." Gaara said softly.
I jump up. "Where, where! I love butterflies!"
I walked towards it sitting on the chain of the swing.
"Its so pretty, and look its purple!" Gaara was following up behind me.
"What's so special about purple?" Backing up to Gaara.
"Well first of all its a pretty color, and if you think about it if you add
red and blue it makes purple." I look at Gaara. Then the butterfly flew away.
"Aww." Watching it fly away. "Close your eyes." I start shut my eyes. "What is it." As I smile. "Just a moment longer." So I wait a little longer. "Okay here you go."
I open my eyes looking at Gaara's hands in a ball, so I set my hands out,
and he sets it gently in my hands. I look at it. "What is...
Oh its a butterfly its so pretty!" Looking at it longer I notice two little holes.
"Oh no. There's two holes." He walked up closer. "Hold on I know." I put my hand in my skirt pocket, and pull out a little ribbon that I got off of a chocolate box. "Here we go." I stuck the ribbon thought the holes and tied to ends. "Pretty." I look at gaara


There she is wait is the Gaara of the sand I've got to tell mother. I ran as fast as I could. "What did you get yourself into Shakairi."


What's this feeling? Shakairi layed back down with her eyes so I followed after her. "Look the moon is out its so big tonight. Oh no I've got it go!"
She jumped up and I started to get up as well. I don't want to be alone yet.
I grabbed her hand. "Can I... Walk you home" I felt my cheeks heat up. She smile sweetly. "Sure!" So we walked in the direction of her.


What on earth is Shakairi doing lately after dark. Nabo walked into the house in a panic manner. "What's wrong?" He he fought he heavy breathing. " Shakairi is with that monster Gaara." My eyes widen in shock. "Where are they." What does that beast want with my baby? "On their way from the park." I walk towards to door is she in any danger yet?" I turn. "Not that I saw. I knew we should have told her about him." I never thought my baby would... "Mother their here."


"Well we're here." I look at Gaara. "Thank you. See ya tomorrow." He looked so down. "What's wrong? Gaara looked at me. "Shakairi... There's this weird feeling in..." He was quietly interrupted. "Shakairi step away from that monster!"
I turned my head "Mom, Nabo!" They had rocks in there hands. "What are you doing! No stop!" I ran towards them. "Monster! Stay away from sakairi! You..." I looked into Gaaras eyes widen in fear. "MONSTER!!" Gaara's snapped his eyes blanked out from shock to fear to anger all in one second. Then his sand rose to his sides.
"I... AM NOT! A MONSTER!" His voice was different darker. As he spoke the sand sharpened like shuriken then one by one started to shoot. Mom picked me up stay in side. But I can't not while he's in pain. I snuck out. Still throughing rocks at him Nabo yelled out my name, but I ignored him. "Gaara!" I yelled out to him he looked at me. I walked the rest of the way to him, and I hugged him just like the first time. The sand shuriken fell into dust.
I let go of him then stood in front of him. "He's not a Monster!"
"Look into those freaky eyes of his tell me it doesnt scream freak!" My mom said passing
Nabo. But I don't know what she talking about his eyes where gentle. *Breathing really deep* "Nabo your hurt! Sit down!" Holding Nabo up. "I'm so sorry I didn't..." Gaara said touching my shoulder. "YOU MONSTER!!!!!" Throwing one last rock Then Gaara's sand rose for a second time. "GAARA NO!" Next thing I know I'm in the air, my necklace untied. Gaara...


"Shakairi!" I snap out. Oh no I hurt Shakairi I... I am a monster. My eyes widen as I watched as her pretty blue hair was foil by red. Just like that beautiful butterfly... Purple my least favorite color...

Thank you for reading
I was thinking of continuing it in a sequel but only if you guys would like please please comment!! Also I would love some constructive criticism!! Thanx

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