Act one

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AUDREY, JERMEY, AND ELENA GILBERT WALKED SIDE BY SIDE DOWN THE SLIGHTLY PACKED STREETS OF MYSTIC FALLS. Seeing the one and only Emory Scott leaned against a car with Vicki Donovan in front of her. Both girls with big smiles on their faces. Unknown to them what the future awaits for them.

Jeremy looked up from his phone to meet the eyes of Emory darkish brown eyes. Shining from the sunlight.

For them time had stopped as their eyes met. It wasn't like what others had said, because when their eyes met it wasn't electricity or fireworks but rather burning hot fire. Lighting up their bodies. It was almost like they were being wrapped up in a blanket.

Emory's ears fell short to the oldest Donovan's voice as she spoke. She had seen Jermey around many times before, but this Jermey felt different. His eyes were colder and slightly empty. His radiating smile there no longer. She understands why but can't help but miss that gorgeous smile. Lifting her hand, she gave him a slight wave.

As for the little Gilbert he felt like her her soft brown eyes promised him warmth and comfort, and her hands looked like they fit perfectly in his. He couldn't help but think how her hands would feel running through his hair. Those soft plush lips would feel smooth against his. Her body looked so delicate that it might break by the slightly movement, and god her skin looked like snow. Giving her slightly a grin and a three finger wave back.

His eyes lightened up as she smiled at his gesture. And god did her smile make him want to worship the ground she walked on. Glancing to the person in front of her, his brown eyes dimmed as he recognized Vicki from the many nights they spent together through the summer.

Jeremy's mood dampened by just seeing her.

Emory's eyebrows furrowed as she noticed the way his eyes held a defeated looked and his shoulders sagged downward. Her eyes navigated to Vicki and it suddenly clicked. Vicki was telling her how she had slept with a guy younger than her over the summer as she missed Tyler. Now it all made sense. The Scott girl sighed but plastered a fake smile onto her light pink lips. "Can you believe the summer fling guy is still bugging me?" Vicki scoffed.

It all came back to the girl. Vicki went to any guy that would show her the slightest bit attention, and who's better then the guy Tyler hates. "Who did you sleep with again?" Emory asked. "Oh, your gonna laugh. I slept with baby Gilbert!"

Emory's rolled her lips inward as she nodded weakly. "Isn't he the same age as me?"

Nodded her head as she laughed "yeah. But I only did it as revenge for Tyler cheating on me." Vicki said. "But if anyone found out you could get in serious trouble. Vic."

Shrugging her shoulders "then don't tell anyone."

"As you wish." Emory mumbled.

Audrey glanced at Emory and Vicki. Watching as the younger one of the two looked sad. Shaking her head as she scoffed, Vicki always sucked the energy out of everyone around her. Turning around she saw her brother staring at Emory Scott with half a smile.

It was almost like someone suddenly lit a fire under her brother.

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Okay heads up there will be alcohol, drug, death, blood, and smoking along with sexual content since they are all around the age.

And seeing as Jermey was having sex with Vicki when the time comes he will also be having sexual scenes with Emory as well. I will leave a warning in the top of the chapters that have sexual content.

There will still be time to apply for characters in the later seasons as I will be accepting applications for those. You'd just have to add if you want them to be a villain as well!

Please be kind to others as this is a safe place for all! Please vote and you may leave comments if you wish.

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