A New phase

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Rihanna: lift me up

🎶Lift me up
Hold me down
Keep me close
Safe and sound🎶


"Jane, I know this is shocking, but we need to commence treatment immediately," Dr. Finn pleaded. My whole body felt weak, unable to process what Dr. Finn had just said.

"How? When? Just how is this possible?" I questioned myself, my mind racing.

"We should be grateful that we detected it early. This is considered stage 0 cancer, and that's why I implore you, Jane, let's proceed with treatment," Dr. Finn advised, his voice steady but urgent.

I felt a lump rise in my throat, choking back words I struggled to find. I had heard about people dealing with cancer and read many books about living with it, but never in a million years did I think I would be in this nerve-wracking situation.

"My name is Jane Dawson, and at twenty-nine, I've just been diagnosed with breast cancer, Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS). According to Dr. Finn, it's an early stage of breast cancer that hasn't spread beyond the milk ducts. There are so many emotions running through me right now. The sense of disbelief I felt hearing this news from Dr. Finn is indescribable, but most of what I feel is fear."

"I know you're shocked, Jane. Many patients react with shock when diagnosed with cancer. You feel numb and find it hard to come to terms with the news. But here is the truth, Jane; this is reality. You've already been diagnosed. The best thing you can do is start treatment immediately. Like I told you earlier, this is still stage 0, so we can treat it. Trust me, Jane, I promise you will be fine. Face it head-on and be strong. We should be grateful we detected it early. This is not something you see every day; I strongly believe God wants you to live your purpose in life."

"Just last month, my boyfriend, who I had been dating for the past four years, broke up with me, and I'm just recovering from the terrible breakup."

"I met Colin through an online dating app, and we clicked immediately. Fast forward, we talked every day, and he finally set up a date with me. Colin is the typical well-built man in his thirties, tall and lean-framed, with broad shoulders and a defined chest. He is a fine young man, and he knows it."

"For the past four years that I was dating Colin, I never knew he was married. Not only that, but he also has two kids. What? How I missed that is beyond me. Four years with him, and I never suspected anything suspicious with that bastard."

"It took me weeks to finally accept that everything I had with Colin was a sham. The worst part of it all, the bastard proposed to me two months ago, and we were making wedding plans. Men are indeed scum."

"I planned on getting married before thirty, and now look at me. At twenty-nine, I'm still single and have just been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease."

"Jane, can you hear me?" Dr. Finn's voice jolted me back to reality. I breathed in heavily before replying. "So what am I to do, Dr. Finn? I'm appalled by the whole situation. I don't know how to process it all. I'm confused!"

"I know how you feel, Jane, but like I said earlier, we need to get you on treatment immediately, as a matter of urgency," Dr. Finn replied, his eyes filled with concern.

"So what do I need to do first?" I asked, trying to steady my voice.

"We are going to run a few tests to determine the best treatment method. We will need to conduct an imaging scan and some genetic tests," Dr. Finn explained patiently.

"After the tests, we will conduct surgery to remove the abnormal cells. Then, radiation therapy will target any remaining cancer cells and, most importantly, reduce the chance of recurrence."

I tried to grasp everything he was saying, my stomach churning with fear of the unknown. "So how long is this going to take?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Well, I can't give you a specific duration, Jane. Every individual's journey with DCIS is unique. Treatment plans are personalized to each person's circumstances, and the timeline can vary based on individual needs and responses to treatment. But let's look at three months to start."

"Three months of my life will be spent within the walls of this hospital," I breathed heavily. "Life is so funny and unpredictable. If anyone had told me just yesterday that I would be confronted with this kind of situation, I would have called them a fool and sworn to never talk to them again. But here I am, in front of Dr. Finn, discussing my treatment plan."

"We humans make plans, forgetting we are just souls created by God, and He is the greatest planner of all." I sighed and buried my face in my hands. If I hadn't come for my regular check-up, I wouldn't have known I had cancer, and it might have developed extensively before I noticed."

I raised my head and faced Dr. Finn, who was already looking at me. "So when should I start my treatment?" I asked, my voice steadier.

"Well, I suggest you go home first, talk this over with your family, and we start next week unfailingly. But remember, Jane, delay is very dangerous." I nodded, indicating that I understood the danger of delaying treatment.

"Thank you, Dr.," I said weakly as I stood up from my seat.

"Just one more thing, Jane. Remember the words of God where He says, 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.' (Joshua 1:9, ESV). So be strong and know that this is just a phase for you."

Dr. Finn's words resonated with me, and I gave him a weak smile. "Thank you so much, Dr. I will keep that in mind."

"And yes, Jane, please see the receptionist. I've instructed her to give you some pamphlets to take home. Go through them, and I will see you next week, Jane."

I made my way to the receptionist's desk, where a young nurse handed me some pamphlets. I stuffed them into my green bag as I made my way out of the hospital.

Hello everyone here's the first chapter...!
I'm so curious to know what y'all think about the story so far. This chapter practically revolve around Jane and her ordeal in life so far. I will be so glad to read out everyone opinion in the comment section...... I love y'all Fr❤🤗

With love

With lovemiyah_copyXoxo💚❤💜💛💙💖

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