Chapter 3332

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May contain a variety of objects, resulting in a complex structure of the overall object.

  Complex structures need to be judged separately and cannot be simply understood as one size fits all. Different structures can lead to different pressure surfaces at each point.

   Since the firefighters judged that there is room for elevation, it proves that there really is a rescue channel with this special structure here.

   The group of people who were arguing and refuting just now were instantly slapped in the face and dared not speak. Their eyes were muttering: This person is not a professional construction talent, just a medical student. How can you understand this.

   Xie Wanying wanted to say that she did not understand.

   She just swept it with her three-dimensional eyes, and felt that the soil under the slate was loose and the height was lowered, so she could use the machine to lift it up again. If she had to say why she was able to notice the focus of this scene, it was her advantage as a medical practitioner. The casualty's condition suddenly deteriorated, and it shows from the side that the partial collapse of the right leg may have lowered and put pressure on the leg bone.

   Fractures, plus the patient made arterial hemorrhage by himself.

  Everyone was completely convinced: they did not come up with random ideas.

Those high school classmates who had just complained about their medical problems before felt their faces reddened.

   To save people at the scene of a disaster, no matter what the problem is, it can only be a medical problem in the first place.

   Dr. Guan clapped inwardly: He made the right bet.

   First aid at a disaster scene requires the same quality of personnel as in the emergency room, with a calm mind and a calm mind.

   Media reporters wrote down their experience on the spot in the press release.

   "How high do you want to support it, and which places do you support it?" He heard that the other party's statement was well-founded, and the fire chief must have a formal dialogue with her for advice. "The jack can be supported to the limit of one meter high, and if you put stones under it, it can be higher." Xie Wanying expressed her thoughts, "The higher the height, the higher the risk. Exceeding the original height will cause the slate structure to distort and change. Other accidents, so it is not necessary. My personal judgment is to return to the original height. The height of the support surface is about 15 cm from the original height of the injured leg of the patient, which is enough to free up the operation space on the side of the thigh.

   said that he could do an arterial clipping operation on his right leg. "

   The fire commander understood and repeated her words and asked, "As a doctor, you think that you only need to raise the height by 15 centimeters enough to allow you to operate knives on the wounded, don't you?"

"Yes." Xie Wanying nodded neatly.

During the conversation, other rescuers moved quickly, and five or six jacks came over.

   The fire commander did not understand their doctor's surgical needs, so he had to ask her and other medical staff at the scene: "You said, which point is the highest, and where are the jacks to be placed?"

  This pressure was really transmitted to the heads of all the medical staff at the scene in a blink of an eye.

   I said earlier that the problem of on-site rescue can only be a medical problem, and the medical staff on the scene are thinking of helping. Helpless, most of them are difficult to think of points with Xie classmates.

The anesthesiologists and nursing staff who had just cooperated with Xie didn't even have to think about it. They pointed at her and said, "You listen to her and do everything as she says." You must know that their hospital colleagues just called They were informed that Jia Mingquan was in stable condition after being sent to the hospital, and the follow-up operation went smoothly. Colleagues in the hospital were amazed at how they performed the emergency operation, which reportedly took less than a few minutes.

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