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Chapter 59: Zombie Siege (×)

As a script team member, I don't understand you very well " Author: Say Goodbye to Me

Mori Ogai felt slightly in a trance when he heard the familiar boy shouting "Doctor Mori" in a long tone.

How long has it been since I heard it?

After Mori Ogai cut the former leader's throat and stepped into the leadership position, Dazai still always called him Mr. Mori, while Asaba called him Dr. Mori.

It was teasing, as if he was trying to stab him on purpose.

Although Asaba Teru still did not leave the Port Mafia after the fire and Oda Sakunosuke's incident, something still changed.

The silver-haired boy is still a Hong Kong gangster consultant with endless plans, and he still creates supreme benefits for the organization.

It's just that he will no longer call him "Dr. Sen" with a smile, but will be replaced by the cold word "chief".

He would no longer break into the chief's office unscrupulously, or jump out to cause trouble when he went out to buy a small dress and cake for Alice.

He just bowed silently and reported to him the latest situation and research progress.

At that time, Dazai had defected from the organization, and Nakahara Chu was on a business trip abroad. Although Hongye loved the child, he was only an elder. At that time, there was almost no one around the boy to talk to.

His beloved seniors were engulfed in the fire, his adoptive father, Sakunosuke Oda, who he cared about the most, died in the calculation, one of his friends disappeared, and one was far away abroad. According to his understanding, the devil was just behind his back at that time She paid attention to him silently and did not step forward.

If Che Asaha knew what Mori Ogai was thinking, he would probably sneer again.

What does the devil mean by not stepping forward?

Every day he came to encourage him to join the Five Declines of Heavenly Beings.

They even brought along people with mental control abilities...


At that time, the young Hong Kong consultant seemed to be out of tune with this prosperous and lively time, walking alone on a dark road.

One experiment after another, one academic achievement after another, one cold and bloody plan...

The boy is like a wind-up, tireless robot, mechanically doing his own work, coldly rejecting the warmth of the outside world, wandering in the world alone.

Although Mori Ogai was also pleased with such a sharp blade with a scabbard, sometimes, he would still think of the boy who once smiled sincerely.

But he must be ruthless, he must abandon Oda Sakunosuke, and he must cooperate with that person.

That big fire... was indeed beyond his expectation.

But these complicated emotions and guilt only made him slightly dazed at times. He whipped himself mentally without any hesitation in his actions.

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