Chapter 11

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Charlus was quite reserved and did not assume that his grandson was in the right just because Harry was the one who called him, though that Harry had done so without being ordered was a point in Harry's favour that he at least thought he was in the right. So Charlus let Harry pull him through the floo to Dumbledore's office. As soon as Harry returned with his grandfather, he and Snape started to throw accusations at one another, sniping and bickering trying to outdo each other. Charlus was reminded of having been called to the school on occasion to deal with James and this man when he was still a boy.

"What's this, Potter, now that you have your grandfather back you're going to hide behind him just like your father did? He won't be able to save you from your mouth. I will have you expelled for the way you talked to me," Snape pushed.

That seemed to be the final straw for Dumbledore, who stood up and shouted. "Enough!" The word was so loud that it had to have been magically amplified. "It is I who will decide if someone is to be expelled, Severus, not you. And I won't be making a decision until I have heard both sides of the story."

Both Harry and the professor started trying to explain at the same time, which quickly devolved into the two of them shouting at each other again. Dumbledore silenced them this time with a flick of his wand and a bang like a starting pistol. "One at a time please. Severus, you may go first. Harry, please indulge us. We will listen to your side in full momentarily."

Dumbledore finally seemed to get the irate pair calmed enough that explanations were possible. "Potter, Granger, and Weasley were disrupting my lesson by casting dangerous spells on their cauldrons. When I called them out on it, reminding them that they were in a Potions class and foolish wand waving was off the table, Granger decided to be belligerent as usual, so I dressed her down as she deserved. Potter, in his arrogance, decided that he would launch a string of verbal attacks against me. As a teacher and one of the Heads of House, I officially recommend expelling Potter from Hogwarts," Snape finished.

Charlus listened to the man and it was clear to him that Snape's version of events was heavily edited. He didn't need the fact that he had to hold Harry back from intruding three times, either. For one, he knew the spells they were casting, as he had been the one to teach them the spells, and they were supposed to be standard in any potion lab.

"Okay Severus, now Harry, it's time for you to give your side of things," Dumbledore was calm and trying to give off the air of a wise old man judging from on high. To Charlus it just looked staged, but it probably worked well on the students.

Harry took a breath before speaking. "Hermione, Ron, and I were casting some standard safety charms, specifically the Cauldron Shielding Charm and the Bubble-Head Charm, when Snape came over and started being completely unreasonable, shouting at us that he wouldn't allow us to use any wand magic in his class. Hermione tried to say that we had been taught to always cast the safety spells before brewing. Snape just started yelling at her, insulting her, and spitting in her face like a crazed lunatic. To redirect him away from Hermione I told him exactly what I thought of his inability to teach and-..."

Harry was cut off by Snape. "Who do you think you are to judge my skills as a Potions master? You are nothing but an arrogant child who struts around this castle as if you own it..."

Charlus had heard enough and shouted over Snape, "Shut up! You were given your opportunity to speak and were allowed to finish uninterrupted. You are supposed to be an adult here. Act like it."

Snape shot a murderous look at Charlus and Charlus started to understand the man a little more. But he ignored Snape and turned to Dumbledore. "Now,, there are a few points I feel need to be considered here, but before getting to those, I have two concerns. First, I'm worried that a professor is preventing the use of standard safety charms, charms that should be mandatory in a classroom. But more importantly, what is this about your professor spitting in the face of Miss Granger?" Charlus's voice went ice cold in his last sentence.

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