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"Momma, where are we going?" The rain came down like ice as it pelted our shoulders, my fingers were laced with the taller woman who kept looking over her shoulder, this fear in her blue eyes.
"Away, far away Leif." She responded as she picked up the pace which caused me to stumble but I followed the other as I looked over my shoulder now, fear trying to take over as the thunder roared above us.

"Leif, I need you to control your emotions, they'll find us faster if you don't." I heard my mom speak up as my brows furrowed.
"Control my emotions? How will they find us if I don't?" I asked.
She paused, turning to me as she knelt down with her hands cupping the sides of my arms with knitted brows.

"Because you are special, Leif." She gave me a sad smile as tears formed in her already wet eyes.
It made the rain come down harder looking at her like that.
"Don't be sad, he'll find us and he will take you away from me again." She stood to her feet and without warning, I was ripped off of my feet and she was running now.
My eyes were wide as she ran faster and faster until we were in front of an orphanage.

"They'll take better care of you than I could have." She put me down, kissing my scarred wrists and neck.
"I am so sorry for the trauma I put you through my son, I tried saving you but it wasn't enough, know that I love you very much and that no matter what anyone tells you, you are perfect." She caressed my cheek as tears escaped both of our eyes.

Her neck nearly snapped looking over her shoulder before she was pounding on the front door and before I could blink.
She was gone.
And I was alone.

"Mom..?" I looked up at the white ceiling, reaching for it as the tears slid down my cheeks as I blinked them away.
My throat was dry as I made myself sit up in the bed before looking around.

It's been six months since that family took me in, an omega and a vampire..
It was an interesting relationship, I've never seen it done but they made it possible.
I rubbed my wrists as they began to ache and soon enough there was a knock on the bedroom door.

It slowly opened and the omega poked his head inside.
"Oh you're awake, good morning Leif, how did you sleep?" He asked me.
I stared at the one I was supposed to address as dad before nibbling my bottom lip.

"I dreamed of my mom again." I told him.
My new dad blinked before this sad expression appeared on his face.
"Was it the same one or a new one?" He walked further into the room, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
My eyes fell onto my lap as I nibbled and pulled at the skin on my lip.
"A new one, this time she abandoned me at the orphanage." I frowned softly.

My dad frowned at me.
"The dreams will pass, I promise they will, we just have to give it more time." He reached and I hated it but I flinched when his hand attempted to caress my cheek, but he stopped his actions as he pulled his hand back.

"Are you hungry?" He changed the subject as my eyes dared to fall on the other now.
"A little." I admitted.
It made him smile softly.
"Get dressed and come eat, you don't want to be late on your first day back to school." He told me stepping out of the room as my eyes followed the other.

School, huh?
I continued to sit there before laying back down in the bed, I brought my knees to my chest as I lied there staring at the wall.
I didn't want to go.
I wanted to stay here and sleep.
It was easier to control my emotions that way.
"Jinx, pass the butter."
"Get your lazy ass up and get it yourself." 
"Don't be a dick-"
"You'd know all about dick, wouldn't you?"

"Boys!" I heard dad hiss at the omega and vampire in the room who were glaring daggers at each other.
"Jinx just hand your brother the butter please, there's no sense in fighting this morning." He told them.

"Dad's right, knock it off." My eyes fell to the hallway as Iggy walked in with Omega and Amber who still looked half awake.

Jinx rolled his eyes tossing the butter at Quin who growled.
Jinx only smirked at the other.
"There's your butter, princess."


The sound of wailing was soon heard as dad sighed now.

"Sounds like Stormy is awake, I've got her." Amber said stepping out of the room as dad pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Just one peaceful morning, that's all your dad wants but you two always seem to want to argue first thing in the morning and it's getting really old, really fast. I suggest the two of you knock the shit off before I turn into the bad guy." The one I was supposed to address as papa commented walking into the room holding Sunny who held onto her bottle for dear life.

"Sorry." The two said in unison before glaring at each other.

Dad only smiled softly at papa.
"Already coming into the room guns blazing, are we?" He joked as papa smirked softly.
"If you're always soft with them, they'll keep acting up, seventeen or not." Papa looked to the two who were quick to change their expressions before they went back to eating breakfast.

Papa grinned.
"Will you be okay if I go out with Jackie and Stetson for a bit?" He questioned.
Dad blinked.
"Of course not, but what trouble are the three of you getting into?" He asked.

"It's the fact he already assumes we'll be getting into trouble." A voice spoke up from the front door and soon enough.
Two vampires were in the room with us.

Dad arched a brow at the brunet with blue eyes.
"Without Rocky, I know you're bound to get into trouble, Jackie Harris." He said.
It only made Jackie smirk.
"Well Rocky is a little preoccupied with Savannah right now, so he couldn't join us." He shrugged.

Papa only grinned.
"We won't be long." He told dad now kissing the other who only sighed.
"Where have I heard that before? Just promise me you'll buy us a bigger house in case you find an orphan in need of a home okay?" He smiled.

Jackie and Stetson both groaned.
"Stop adopting kids, you've made your point that you're a big family." Jackie pointed out.
Dad grinned at the other.
"We like adopting kids, it just gives us memories." He shrugged.

Papa walked over to dad.
"You are so right, if I happen to stumble across a child needing a home, I'll call you. I love you." He said kissing the other before laughing as Stetson and Jackie shoved the other out of the house, screeching at him not to bring anymore kids home.

"We need to head out as well." Iggy said checking the time as dad nodded in the others direction.
"Yes, you don't want to be late, say hello to the boys for me." He told Iggy who blinked but grinned.
"I will, see you later." He said heading out.

I stood there hesitating to follow but looked over my shoulder to dad who motioned for me to go with them.
My brows furrowed but I sighed heading outside of the house.
When the school came into view, an unpleasant knot greeted my stomach as I sat in the backseat with Amber and Jinx while Omega and Quin rode up front with Iggy.

"Let's all try to have a good year, it's our sophomore and junior year, so work on making memories and not regrets." Iggy said.

"That's easier said than done when you don't have an overbearing vampire breathing down your neck to give him a chance." Jinx rolled his eyes.
Iggy turned to the other.
"You're still turning Dorian down?" He asked.
Jinx frowned.
"I just don't think romance is in the cards for me is all, and it's frustrating when he's constantly pushing and trying." He complained.

Iggy studied the other.
"It just means he's really into you Jinx, maybe if you let your guard down-"
"I don't want to let my fucking guard down!" Jinx hissed getting out of the truck before slamming the door shut, leaving the five of us as we sat there in silence.

"Freaking asshole." Quin grumbled unbuckled himself getting out next but his eyes lit up seeing an alpha with black hair and blue eyes standing at a car, grinning at the omega who ran right up to the other, kissing him.

Amber looked to Iggy and gave the other a soft smile.
"He'll come around eventually, just give him time." She told the eve who sighed but smiled.
"You're right." He said before getting out of the truck.
And soon enough.
We were all splitting up.

I walked alone as my brows knitted looking around before flinching when an arm fell over my shoulders.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you looked like you were looking for someone." My hazel blue eyes met brown ones.
"Yeah, you, Urie." I told the vampire who grinned at me.
"Fear not my friend, for I am here in your hour of need." He told me.

I rolled my eyes.
"My hero." I mumbled which made him grin in response.

"It seemed kinda lively in the parking lot with your brother, you know, the hot head?" Urie walked next to me as I frowned.
"Yeah him, I saw him slam the truck door, it's surprising he didn't shatter the window. Something happen?" He asked.
I shrugged with a frown.
"Iggy was just pushing the idea of a relationship onto Jinx, he didn't like it so he got mad." I told the other.

Urie arched a brow.
"Can't say I don't blame him for getting frustrated then, not everyone is into the dating scene." He shrugged.
I looked to him.
"Are you?" I asked.
Urie blinked before smirking softly.
"Why, are you into me?" He teased and my eyes slightly widened before I quickly looked away which made the other laugh in response.

"I'm messing with you Leif, but I'm not against the idea of dating." Urie grinned.
I nodded looking around.
"What about you?" He looked to me.
"Me?" I repeated confused as Urie nodded.
"Are you into the idea of dating someone?" He asked.

I blinked but frowned nibbling my lip.
"O-Oh, I don't know.." I spoke up more softly now.
"I haven't given it much thought I don't guess... The idea of it makes me nervous I guess.." I said rubbing the side of my neck.

"What a virgin."
My face flushed red as a group of vampires walked by laughing.

"What the hell did you just say?" Urie growled in their direction which made the blond with piercing green eyes pause and look our way.

"I called your friend a fucking virgin, what? You deaf or something?" The blond smirked.
Urie stepped up.
"No I just wanted to make sure I heard your stupid ass repeat yourself before I bashed your face in." He growled.

"Urie, seriously, don't, it's fine." I stepped up and pushed the brunet back who was glaring daggers at the other.

"Yeah Urie, listen to the virgin, it's fine." The blond taunted with a devious grin as Urie pushed past me.
"You're asking for it Ricky Elle." He growled.
Ricky stepped up.
"Then do something about it, I've been waiting." He told the other and just as Urie's formed fist went into the air to actually punch the other.

Another stepped into the mess, stopping Urie from punching the other.

He wasn't a vampire, but an alpha.

"Yeah, let's not start this morning by soiling the floor with blood, settle your petty disputes outside of school." The alpha told them, this annoyed look in his green eyes.

"Who the fuck are you to tell us what to do?" Ricky snarled at the alpha who blinked and even though it was supposed to only affect omegas, this guy let out a strong amount of pheromones which sent everyone to the ground.

"The alpha who just knocked you off your feet by pheromones alone, imagine what my fist will feel like the next time you want to press your luck." The alpha growled at the group of vampires who were glaring harshly at the other.

The first bell rang and that pressure was gone, which so were the group of vampires who stormed off.

"Sorry about that, are you okay?" The alpha completely dismissed Urie who was pulling himself up as the alpha stood in front of me, helping me to my feet as my eyes locked with his.

"Y-Yeah, you didn't have to involve yourself, Urie is an idiot sometimes-"
"And I'm sure you didn't want to use your pheromones on vampires like that either." I rubbed my upper arm while trying to maintain eye contact with the alpha.

He blinked but smiled softly.
"It's no problem, I'm sure I'll get an ear full about it later though, we're not supposed to use our pheromones in school but when you have problems like that? It's a little hard to avoid." He looked at me.

"I'm Felix Valentine by the way." He told me still holding my hand as I stared at him.
"O-Oh, I'm Leif Grimes." I introduced myself as Felix blinked.

"A Grimes kid huh? Should have known, but you are the first vampire I've seen that's pretty." He told me as I stared trying not to space as the second bell rang for us to head to class.

"Well, I'll see you later Leif." Felix smirked softly walking off leaving me there before I blinked.


Did he just call me pretty?

A Vampires Alpha  [BOOK FIVE]Where stories live. Discover now